rapier wopa rapier
Welcome to the Society of Creative Anachronism s Middle Kingdom website a
medieval recreation and education group The Middle Kingdom is the third oldest kingdom in the SCA and
covers Ohio Indiana Michigan Illinois part of Kentucky a nip of Iowa and a bit of Ontario Canada
classical fencing and historical swordsmanship research and teaching in the pioneer valley and western and centeral massachusetts
the mission of aemma is to resurrect the combat skills, philosophies and principles of an accomplished european medieval martial artist and to achieve a state of which would be consistent with that of a 14th century warrior in both technology and ideal.
Learn historical martial arts in Ottawa, Ontario. We teach longsword, rapier, wrestling and dagger, sword and buckler, and more.
authenticated and exacting replicas of swords and armor made famous in film, television, literature and fantasy art.
Three Brothers Production – Historical Movie Specialists
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Swords and more ist Dein Shop für alles was eine Klinge hat und das schon seit 2002! Wir haben unseren Blankwaffenshop seitdem immer weiter entwickelt und bieten heute tausende Messer, handgeschmiedete Katana, dekorative Katana, Degen, Dolche, Äxte und Klingenwaffen an.
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