fathers wopa fathers
The Founding fathers info home page Includes lots of history and links for people who are interesting the heroic founding of the American republic
fatherlessness is the absence of their fathers in children's lives it is a large and serious social problem fathers for life discusses fatherlessness its causes and consequences
New PEF Member Organisation :: Lithuanian Association Against Parental Alienation (APTA)https://europeanfathers.wordpress.com/2013/11/06/37/ Opening statement by Mrs. Roberta Angelilli, Vice-President of the European Parliament, at Strasbourg Custody Conference on October 23, 2013 Platform for European fathers (PEF) - PEF Participation in the Strasbourg Conference ‘Child Custody in Europe' (European Parliament Building, Strasbourg, France, October 23rd, 2013) Platform for European…
A band of prayer groups throughout the world consisting of men willing to change the world through prayer and to accept their true role as fathers.
free fathers rights help for men in all states with free documents and tactics to win fathers rights custody and child support cases
Biblically based curriculum relating to the role of the father. We interact & equip dads in several arenas: Prisons, Marketplace, Forums, Be The Dad Movement.
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