26262 wopa 26262
kVA by UL is a technical and management consulting group focused on functional safety and the ISO 26262 standard for the automotive industry.
KASES helps vehicle manufacturers and suppliers of safety relevant electronic systems to meet the latest automotive functional safety and cybersecurity standards. ISO-26262, SAE J3061, ISO 25119, etc. /
Vom Schaltungsentwurf, über Prototypen bis hin zur Serie: Elektronikentwicklung - von Industrieapplikationen bis hin zu Automotivesystemen (ISO 26262), ...
i-Q Schacht & Kollegen Qualitätskonstruktion GmbH - Trainings- und Beratungsunternehmen im Qualitätsmanagement für Automotive und Automobilzulieferer seit 1998, Schwerpunkte sind: FMEA, APQP, Control Plan, PPAP, Run@Rate, FuSi, Besondere Merkmale, sowie die Themenbereiche Coaching und Teamentwicklung. Qualität wird konstruiert und nicht in der Produktion erprüft! Quality has to be designed, not to be checked.
Unburden your team! We reduce the pain in process compliance. Focus is key - foqee.
Supplier of embedded devlopment tools and consultancy for safety critical, high reliability and mission critical systems. Member of ISO C, ISO C++ panels and Principal Author of MISRA-C:2004 /
Esterel Technologies is the leading provider of software development and critical systems solutions in the Avionic, Rail, Industrial & Energy, and Automotive field.
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