61508 wopa 61508
The 61508 Association serves the interests of the members by helping them to fulfill their functional safety responsibilities.
Unsere Berater für Beratung/Schulung/Unterstützung in Qualitätsmanagement, Maschinensicherheit / Performance Level PL nach DIN EN ISO 13849 & vieles mehr
Validated Software Corporation - Embedded Software Validation Solutions for Safety-Critical Certification to Standards: Avionics RTCA DO-178C / DO-278A and EUROCAE ED-12C / ED-109; Medical FDA/CDRH 510(k) and PMA, ISO-14971, IEC 60601 / IEC 61508 / IEC 62304; Industrial IEC 61508; Transportation and Rail systems IEC 62679, EN-50128, IEC 61508
Supplier of embedded devlopment tools and consultancy for safety critical, high reliability and mission critical systems. Member of ISO C, ISO C++ panels and Principal Author of MISRA-C:2004 /
eLearning training on Functional Safety (SIL) with focus on the IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 and their use in safety-related systems.
Implantée à Genève depuis sa création en 2001, la société EIC2 SA exerce des activités de consulting auprès de diverses sociétés Suisses, Belges et Françaises dans les domaines suivants : Gestion de projets à risques EN 50126, EN 50128, CEI 61508, CEI61511, CEI 61513 Sécurité : Consulting en architecture sécurité, développement sur automates de sécurité […]
Esterel Technologies is the leading provider of software development and critical systems solutions in the Avionic, Rail, Industrial & Energy, and Automotive field.
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