sites/reuse wopa sites/reuse réunit des informations et annonces. Nous espérons que vous y trouverez les informations que vous recherchez !
The ReUseIt Network is an on-line forum that serves as a tool to make
connections between community members who want to help each other, themselves, and their environment.
Environmental non-profit dedicated to fighting climate change and achieving zero waste. We operate a reuse center with everything from furniture to appliances
Oakland second hand art & craft store. Repurpose. Reuse. Sustainable. Teacher supplies. Non-profit
Design And Reuse, The Web's System On Chip Design Resource : catalogs of IPs, Virtual Components, Cores for designing System-on-Chip (SOC)
A simple HTML5 Template for new projects.
the fort ord reuse authority fora is responsible for the oversight of monterey bay area economic recovery from the closure of and reuse planning of the former fort ord military base. the former fort ord was/is located on the california coastline near the monterey peninsula consisting of 45 square miles/28,000 acres. fora implements this legislatively mandated mission by overseeing replacement land use; assuring compliance with adopted measures; removing physical barriers to reuse; financing an
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