sites/neuromodulation wopa sites/neuromodulation
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NEUROMODEC is a free online service created to support the development of neuromodulation through the integration of shared resources, research tools, professional standards, events and inter-institution collaboration
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LivaNova is a global medical technology company built on nearly five decades of experience and a relentless commitment to improve the lives of patients around the world.
BrainSonix has developed and intends to manufacture and market a medical device platform based on the Company’s proprietary Low Intensity Focused Ultrasound Pulse (“LIFUP”) technology to modulate the brain function non-invasively without any harmful or irreversible effects on the brain and body.
LivaNova is a global medical technology company built on nearly five decades of experience and a relentless commitment to improve the lives of patients around the world.
Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie in Berlin & München. Ketamintherapie, Hypnose, Psychotherapie, rTMS & Neuromodulation.
Die Magdeburger Neurowissenschaften sind ein Forschungsschwerpunkt mit großer nationaler und internationaler Ausstrahlung. Themenschwerpunkte sind die Erforschung von Lernen und Gedächtnis, von physiologischen und pathophysiologischen Prozessen der Hirnplastizität, der Neuromodulation und der Kognition. Besondere Bedeutung kommt dabei der parallelen Betrachtung menschlichen und tierischen Verhaltens zu. Es werden humanexperimentell-klinische, tierexperimentell-systemphysiologische sowie molekulare und zelluläre Forschungsansätze verfolgt.
Neuro News is your one-stop-shop for breaking news, research, conference coverage and commentary in the neurovascular and neuromodulation fields.
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