sites/morality wopa sites/morality
of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. --george washington, farewell address, 1796
David Boles, Blogs - is one of the David Boles writing portals - that examines a life born into knowledge and educated out of despair. To live, is to remember!
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Freemasonry is a system of morality, veiled in allegory, illustrated by symbols. Its tenets have endured since man turned the first pages of civilization. They embody the understanding by which man can transcend ordinary experience and build a house not made with hands in harmony with the Great Architect of the Universe.
Welcome to the most Comprehensive Catholic Apologetics website on the net that gives answers to many questions about religion and spirituality while having a vast amount of helpful resources General topics include the Church morality apologetics Sacred Scripture modern problems evolution modernism freemasonry etc
Why Are We Here? (2017) featuring leading scientists & philosophers discussing questions about science, our universe, knowledge, truth, morality & humanity.
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