sites/klinefelter wopa sites/klinefelter
klinefelter syndrome, xxy, 47xxy, trisomy x, 47xyy, 48xxxy, 48xxyy, 49xxxxy, x & y, infertility, adhd, add, behavior, education, support, testosterone, hrt
Toen ik 51 jaar was ontdekte ik dat ik geboren ben met het syndroom van Klinefelter. Ik heb een aparte vorm, de mozaiek vorm. XYXXY. Hier staat mijn leven,
Weill Cornell Medicine's Center for Male Reproductive Medicine & Microsurgery - Providing state-of-the-art compassionate care for the infertile couple. Our center treats male infertility, varicocele, vasectomy, vasectomy reversal, low sperm counts, erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory dysfunction and Klinefelter's syndrome.
Lymphedema information center by and for lymphedema patients that focuses on our unique needs, questions and problems. Online textbook of lymphedema, types, stages, fibrosis, wounds, treatment options, complications. Bringing hope to all with this condition
orfeo est une association française de soutien pour les personnes intersexuées et leurs proches.
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