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Allpeachys Shetland sheepdogs - Sheltiezucht CfBrH VDH FCI
Belgian Shepherd Dogs, Belgian Shepherd, Belgian Shepherds, Belgian Sheepdog, Belgium Shepherd, Belgian sheepdogs, Belgium Shepherds at Bejekali Belgians
Breeding true to standard, sound and lovable Old English sheepdogs. Includes information about the kennel (dogs, pedigrees, show achievements) and general information about the breed and what to look for when buying a puppy
Welcome to the website of Bobtailgarden Of Snowboot Bears. You can find all information about our dogs, history and puppies. U vindt alle informatie over onze honden, onze geschiedenis en onze pups. Vous trouverez tous les informations de nos chiens,histoire et chiots.
Everything about Old English Sheepdog that you ever wanted to know! Busy public Sheepdog Forum, Photos, Rescue Links, Merchandise, Old English Sheep Dogs pictures, Old English Sheep Dog.
Moonstruck Meadows - Carla Shown - Vancouver, Washington USA - Breeder of PRE Andalusian Horses, Shelties/Shetland sheepdogs and Standard Poodles.
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