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rebreatherpro-training offers all levels of rebreather, Cave and Technical diver training, Equipment sales and support. Cave, Wreck, DPV, Overhead, mine
12 June 2012 rebreather Forum 3.0 was held in May 2012 in Orlando, USA. Here are the consensus statements that were formulated in the closing session of the conference, which represent the major recommendations and conclusions from the delegates. CHECKLISTS: The forum acknowledged the overwhelming evidence demonstrating the efficacy of checklists in preventing…
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RAID is a dedicated, e-learning, recreational rebreather and open circuit training programme covering a range of educational courses from Level 1 to Instructor Trainer. Learn to Scuba dive - RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW! Scuba diving anywhere in the world has never been easier with our online scuba diving training program. Discover scuba with!
Soda lime for rebreather diving, CO2 scrubber - Intersorb 812 and Spherasorb 408 from DIVELIME
The CCR Liberty is designed as a complete fault-tolerant rebreather for scuba diving. It is the most modular closed circuit rebreather system you can get.
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International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers pour la France, la Belgique, les Pays-Bas, le Luxembourg , la Suisse, l
IART - International Association of rebreather Trainers, Ausbildungsorganisation für Sporttauchen, technisches Tauchen und Kreislauftauchgeräte.
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