powertrains wopa powertrains
SEDEMAC is a technology company that supplies innovative & reliable control products for use in small engines and powertrains.
Mobility in the future demands CO2-neutral transportation means characterized by low emissions and high effectiveness. The gasification of biomass with subsequent synthesis of fuels could provide a substantial contribution to this demand. This project assesses the thermochemical production pathways of liquid fuels made from biomass and will lead to recommendations for future realisation. A European consortium led by Volkswagen AG has joined forces to develop, demonstrate and comparatively assess
FPT Industrial is dedicated to the engineering, innovation, production and sale of alternative engines and propulsions for all the industrial vehicles.
Mobility in the future demands CO2-neutral transportation means characterized by low emissions and high effectiveness. The gasification of biomass with subsequent synthesis of fuels could provide a substantial contribution to this demand. This project assesses the thermochemical production pathways of liquid fuels made from biomass and will lead to recommendations for future realisation. A European consortium led by Volkswagen AG has joined forces to develop, demonstrate and comparatively assess pathways from biomass to different motor vehicle fuels with a single common intermediate product: the synthesis gas. The conversion of lingo-cellulosic biomass (wood, straw and energy plants) via gasification into a synthesis gas offers a variety of opportunities for the production of fuel for transportation means. Major car manufacturers, fuel producers, engineers and plant builders are working together with research and development institutes in a four year project called RENEW to make a technical, economic and environmental assessment of production pathways of renewable fuels.
Emoss uses its decade-long experience in electric mobility to develop, manufacture and supply complete electric powertrains for all your vehicles.
Information on advanced motor fuels and powertrains. Details about the IEA´s Advanced Motor Fuels Implementing Agreement.
The Schaeffler Group's INA brand stands for the development and manufacture of rolling bearings, plain bearings and linear systems as well as precision components for the automotive industry for engines, transmissions and powertrains worldwide
FEV France is an internationally recognized leader in design and development of advanced gasoline, diesel and hybrid powertrains and vehicle systems.
All Overland Electric Powered Carts are built in the USA on heavy duty all electric powertrains. Easy to use and capable of hauling 750 pounds,
Punch Powertrain is an independent full system supplier of fuel efficient powertrains.
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