phylogenetics wopa phylogenetics
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the international conference on computational systems bioinformatics csb is an annual conference organized bythe non-profit life sciences society lss to facilitate the exchange of ideas and collaborations between computer scientists and biologists by presenting cutting-edge computational biology research findings. lss's goal is to create and maintain a vital organization to enable life scientists to sustain a broad view of the current cutting-edge developments in life sciences research, edu
the diversity of life websites provide fast databased images, cladograms, phylogenies, diagnostic keys and nomenclature for a vast number of plants and animals
The Diversity of Life websites provide fast databased images, cladograms, phylogenies, diagnostic keys and nomenclature for a vast number of plants and animals
Robert Lanfear's research, publications, and scripts
NeXML is a file format for encoding phyloinformatic data using XML.
Kelly B. Miller Lab of Arthropod Systematics & Evolution
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