numerics wopa numerics
Object oriented numerics programming and computing
Object oriented numerics programming and computing
a study in bible numerics. evidence for the divine authority of the scriptures, numerical analysis of the hebrew and greek text. numerical anaysis of the 70 weeks of daniel, the second advent in ad 70, eternal torment - thayer
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Stochastic numerics Research Group | King Abdullah University of Science and Technology: Home
We are experimental fluid dynamicists interested in microfluidics, interfacial fluid mechanics, and surfactant transport. We develop innovative, microscale experimental methods to probe and control liquid-fluid interfaces, using scaling analysis, theory, and numerics as tools to complement our experiments. By developing strategies to separate timescales for relevant processes, we have been able to advance the fundamental…
I'm an astrophysicist, numerics and algorithm enthusiast, software and Big Data engineer and food lover.
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