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The Snipe Class and the Snipe Sailors - Sailing the Snipe in different countries is a great opportunity and a privilege. You can know and sail with people of different backgrounds, cultures and languages. SnipeToday is a site for all Snipe sailors that includes stories, video, photos, and opinions from sailors around the world. It offers a new exciting way to share information about Snipe sailing. And it is open to the contributions of the entire Snipe family. Anybody can write an article, send news, photos, videos or post a comment, in any language. Sometimes the article could be translated, sometimes no ... The only thing that counts is the "language of sailing Snipes"! SnipeToday is produced by Snipe sailors for Snipe sailors. We encourage contributions to the site! The Snipe - There are many things that make this boat so popular. The Snipe dinghy is a classical beauty that sails well and safely even in heavy wind conditions. The purchase price is attractive and the boat keeps it's value and racing performance for years. You are free to compare it's multiuser behaviour and tactical challenges to any other class. Most importantly, you can stay in the same class and enjoy the same friends for the whole lifetime. The Snipe Class International Racing Association (SCIRA) is a widely popular and well run organisation all over the world. One of the things that makes the class so strong is the local fleet activities. You may find a local Snipe Fleet close to your living area. And if not, you may collect a group of interested Snipe Sailors and start a new one. In this case be in contact with your National Secretary. Also of interest and importance are international activities. Races are arranged in Europe, Americas and in Orient. The Snipe Class offers the best racing calendar you can imagine - for champions and beginners consisting of World Championships, Europeans and Nordics, not to forget several international Snipe Regattas.
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