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Uppercaseit.com provides the ability to uppercase, lowercase, flip, reverse or transform any text in over 20 different ways. Uppercaseit.com... Transform your text today!
Uppercase, lowercase, Random lorem ipsum text, Speech word Count, Word Counter, Extract email from text and many more.
sound art, microsound, lowercase, phonography, electro-acoustic music by marc mcnulty
antifrost is an independent cd label specialising in experimental music.
Free online tools for every situation, work with text (reverse, convert to uppercase or lowercase), images (invert, resize, crop), lists (sort in alphabetical order, random sort), numbers (generate sequences, sort) and more.
Making title capitalization easy. Automatically capitalize & convert case of text to Title Case (in AP, APA, Chicago, MLA), sentence case, UPPERCASE, lowercase, and more.
Web-based archive of visual and sound artist sebastiane hegarty. The archive provides access to the artists present and previous work including, sound, installation, drawing, photography, text, film and performance.
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