landmines wopa landmines
international campaign to ban landmines - cluster munition coalition - landmine and cluster munition monitor
International Campaign to Ban landmines (ICBL) is a global network in some 100 countries working for a world free of antipersonnel landmines, where landmine survivors can lead fulfilling lives.
LSN Landmine Survivors Network Created by landmine survivors to empower individuals families and communities affected by landmines to recover from trauma reclaim their lives and fulfill their rights
Non-profit organization devoted to the elimination of threat from post-conflict and disruptive challenges, including landmines, explosive remnants of war (ERW) and the illicit ownership and use of small arms and light weapons (SALW).
Danish Demining Group is the Human Security Unit under the Danish Refugee Council, specialised in clearing landmines and unexploded ordnance and reducing armed violence.
Our mission is to protect lives & restore livelihoods. By clearing landmines & other explosives we help countries recover after conflict. Find out more.
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EMERGENCY provides free, high-quality healthcare to victims of war, poverty and landmines, alongside building hospitals and training local medical staff.
Think Globally - A radio show that tries to provide insight into important matters concerning different global issues that affect all. Among topics included are enviromental issues, suistainable development and renewable energy. Think Globally Radio - every second Sunday at 7 pm / kl 19 on THS Radio 95,3 with host Eric in the Afternoon
The Canadian Landmine Foundation is a registered charity with a mission to raise awareness and funds to end human and economic suffering caused by anti
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