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Cocktail Kingdom offers a full spectrum of professional and custom barware, artisan bitters and syrups fit for the most discerning bartender. With knowledge as a bartender's most valuable tool, Cocktail Kingdom provides books of remarkable recipes and bar know-how spanning from pre-Prohibition era publishing to the world's most modern concoctions.
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Our Foodservice Consultants Singapore (FSCS) caters to all your kitchen design needs. Working closely with leading local and international hospitality establishments, we have gained valuable experience in the hospitality industry to understand what is required in your professional kitchen. Equipped with creative and sustainable concepts, our associates not only offer practical and effective kitchen designs, but also hands-on experience and expert know-how to address any concerns you might have.
Forniamo ad imprese ed aziende materiali, macchinari, impianti e know-how per la produzione di calcestruzzo cellulare, per ogni sua applicazione.
Un know-how acquisito nel corso di 50 anni di esperienza nel mondo del tessuto in fibra di carbonio e dei materiali compositi.
Kreative Mitarbeiter, tolle Ideen, ein hochmoderner Maschinenpark und großes know-how. Wir sind Folie - wir wissen, wie es geht.
Wir bieten Ihnen individuelle Hosting-Lösungen zu fairen Konditionen. Profitieren Sie von unserer jahrelangen Erfahrung und technischen Expertise ohne in eigene Infrastruktur oder zusätzliches know-how investieren zu müssen. Bei uns erhalten Sie modernste Technik, höchste Zuverlässigkeit und schnelle kompetente Hilfe.
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