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The corporate site of kansai Paint. We introduce product information such as paints for buildings and automobiles as well as various paints, corporate information, IR information, Sustainability information, research and development information and so on.
関西コレクション2021A/W 9月5日(日)開催!日本最大級のファッションイベント。関西コレクション。多くのゲストや有名モデルが出演!
Technology Reports of kansai University (ISSN: 04532198) is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal. Technology Reports of kansai University covers all sort of Engineering topic(i.e. Engineering journal, Top engineering journal, International journal of engineering), Mathematics and Physics.
kansai dialect self-study site for Japanese language learners
Budget design hotel in Osaka Easy access to all kansai area Kyoto Nara KIX 大阪の小さなデザインホテル。レトロなビルをおしゃれにリノベーション。 HOSTEL 64 Osaka
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