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Résultats de la recherche : 12 site(s)


jamiroquai fan community in Italia: discografia con testi delle canzoni, forum, news, date di concerti e tour!


flashs - christophe ruchonnet, photographie et webdesign contient une selection de photographies photos de paysages, concerts, personnels . par ailleurs vous y verrez aussi des ržalisations de sites et de cd-roms. flashs est une socižtž en nom propre installže ˆ forel, proche de vevey vaud , ˆ proximitž de vevey. photo, cd, animation flash, donnez du plaisis ˆ vos yeux.


Bass guitar transcription books. Featuring artists such as Mark King (Level 42), Stuart Zender (jamiroquai), Bernard Edwards (Chic), Marcus Miller and more.

Redirection : https://www.basslinepublishing.com/

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Tortured Soul is 100% LIVE modern, deep, soulful, house music freed from the DJ Booth. Tortured Soul is a collective of incredible international musicians united under a groove-centered rhythm. Frontman and songwriter, John-Christian Urich, leads the group while simultaneously drumming and singing with effortless mastery. Likened to The Roots of House Music , Tortured Soul’s sound is reminiscent of Neo-Soul groups like jamiroquai or Brand New Heavies, while also being influenced by the contemporary freshness of House purveyors like Joey Negro and Louie Vega and Nu Disco artists like Soul Clap and Purple Disco Machine.For their latest release, Tortured Soul has joined forces with Lisa Shaw for a deep house love duet. “I Wish You Were Here” is a sweet serenade between Lisa Shaw and John Christian Urich—a song of reassurance that a blissful time is in store once they are reunited  /


groove groove und nochmals groove ... mit einer großen prise funk, einem esslöffel rap und etwas rock und pop, das ist die kost welche die bandmitglieder selbst als „frapy“ stoff bezeichnen und die dem fankreis zum fraße vorgeworfen wird. erstaunlicherweise wird immer alles aufgegessen

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