islamism wopa islamism è il sito che s'interessa alla cultura e alle scienze sociali ed economiche del mondo arabo e di quello italiano
Middle East Gateway of MidEastWeb - balanced news, history, analysis, dialog, bibliography, maps, statistics, culture and opinions - for coexistence and peace education
Middle East Gateway of MidEastWeb - balanced news, history, analysis, dialog, bibliography, maps, statistics, culture and opinions - for coexistence and peace education
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Qanta Ahmed is a journalist, a regular contributor to the Huffington Post and has provided radio and media commentary including the BBC World Service, BBC World Have Your Say, Voice of America, WNPR and NPR, CNN, Fox, C-Span, CUNY TV, Al Arabiya and many others.
The Zwemer Center at Columbia International University offers courses, facilitates research, and dialogue in Muslim-Christian Relations.
The Grand Deception, a 70-minute documentary film exploring the Muslim Brotherhood in America.
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