haori wopa haori
Ausgewählte Kleidungsstücke aus hochwertigen chinesischen und japanischen Seiden sowie antike Vintage Kimono Unikate der besonderen Art
Le plus grand choix de Kimono japonais,Yukata,vêtement traditionnel japonais,samue,jinbei,sandales,tabi et jikatabi pour homme,femme,enfant
japankimono,the art of kimono exibits vintage japanese clothes in basel. kimono, hikeshibanten, vests, haori, obi, nagajuban,for men and women.
Le plus grand choix de kimono japonais,yukata,haori,hanten,Habits et vêtements traditionnel japonais,Tabi et Jikatabi pour homme,femme et enfant
we provide informations about kimono. and we support your wearing kimono in your country. please enjoy your kimono life
We stock a specialist range of vintage Kimono fabrics and materials. Our fabrics are unique and individual, with very limited quantities available. They're perfect for quilting enthusiasts and small projects. KimoYES is an Australian company with many international customers.
Importer and Retailer of Antique and Vintage Japanese Silk Kimono and Accessories
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