gesture wopa gesture
gestureML is the world's first markup language for multitouch and gesture-based authoring. This open XML-schema allows users to define gestures and their interactions.
gestureworks version 2 is a powerful authoring solution for multitouch and multiuser software applications developed by ideum.
The Design gesture is a weblog aiming to build a healthy environment and simplify ideas to uplift Indian Architecture for Architecture community in India.
Learn more about gestureTek's computer vision, gesture recognition & motion sensing technology and motion control interfaces for immersive advertising and digital signage, virtual gaming & entertainment, surface computing, interactive displays and presentation systems.
MR.gestures - Touch gesture handling for Xamarin.Forms mobile apps
The latest in immersive technology - gesture controls, 360 3D displays, augmented reality, virtual worlds, and more.
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OptiMusic, Interactive systems technologies and Solutions,Inclusive learning environments, immersive spaces, multi-sensory rooms and interactive soft-play areas. We use motion gesture activation with sensors and switches to create beautiful and content-rich Interactive experiences. Interactive floor projection,
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