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gallium Nitride Transistors and GaN Semiconductors deliver higher performance and increase energy savings. Discover Cambrige GaN Devices solutions.
A site devoted to testing of LEDs in all common chemistries; plus testing of flashlights & small-frame lasers. Includes test target illumination photos of many LED samples & lights, spectrographic & beam cross-sectional analyses, and a virtual LED museum.
Compound Semiconductor news by Semiconductor Today free online magazine
scientific materials, bozeman montana, a flir systems company. smc is committed to the production of the highest quality low-loss laser materials. this effort has resulted in numerous products including our nd:yag, yb:yag, er:yag, tm:yag, cth:yag, ce:yag, luag, yalo, yso, and gallium garnet laser components.
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PAM-XIAMEN produce wide range of Compound Semiconductor Wafer and LED wafer substrate: Silicon Carbide Wafer(Substrate), gallium Nitride Wafer(Substrate), GaAs Wafer(Substrate), Ge Wafer(Substrate),GaN substrate, CZT Wafer,GaN Template, InGaN Wafer, AlGaN Wafer,GaN epiwafer, GaN Epitaxial Wafer
GaN Systems is the leader in gallium Nitride (GaN) based power management devices, specializing in power conversion, semiconductors and transistors. A fabless power semiconductor company, GaN Systems is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada.
r. Shane Todd was found hanging in his apartment in Singapore on June 24, 2012. He had a PhD in electrical engineering and had been leading a special GaN gallium Nitride development team with the Institute of Microelectronics IME.
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