fractals wopa fractals
Arts plastiques et visuels. Numérisation du patrimoine artistique. Photographie numérique. Art fractal. Fractales. Géométrie fractale
Here you will find fractal images made with Fractint, UltraFractal and a few other fractal softwares, some information about fractals and links to fractal sites and other fractal image galleries.
The former website of Mind-Boggling fractals - a source for fractal galleries and images.
Tutorials and articles of Inigo Quilez on computer graphics, fractals, demoscene, shaders and more.
The main focus of this website is to present C++ Windows programming tutorials. Also as an hobby of mine, there is a dedicated section to fractals
Here you will find fractal images made with Fractint, UltraFractal and a few other fractal softwares, some information about fractals and links to fractal sites and other fractal image galleries.
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