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centre for fortean zoology cfz news / features on cryptozoology, mystery animals, zooform phenomena, cryptozoology, related fortean or cryptozoology stories; bigfoot, yeti, loch ness monster, sasquatch, cryptozoology: online


Esoterra Magazine The Journal of Extreme Culture Each issue features interviews with musicians writers and artists existing on society s fringes Also included are articles on bizarre phenomena fortean subjects and occult strangeness Past issues have included articles on black metal charles manson The Process Church necrophilia church burnings satanism church of satan sexual fetishes industrial musec noise


circlemakers: Home of England's crop circle makers. Making the world a more interesting place.


a prose by any other pseudonym - lionel fanthorpe appreciation page


Wm. Michael Mott, Michael Mott, William M. Mott, Mike Mott,CAVERNS, CAULDRONS, AND CONCEALED CREATURES, PULP WINDS, PULSIFER SAGA, THIS TRAGIC EARTH, Caverns, Cauldrons and Concealed Creatures, THE DEEP DWELLERS, Ancient Aliens, politics, political commentary, boxing stories, SF, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Satire, Pulp Fiction, pulp magazines, pulp writers, Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, H.P. Lovecraft, Charles Hoy Fort, Charles Fort, fortean, forteanism, Subterranean Mysteries, UFO, Sword and Sorcery, Fantasy Art, graphic design, unsolved mysteries, paranormal, hollow earth, Richard S. Shaver, Illustration, Surreal, Surrealism, Epic Fantasy, Adventure Fiction, Horror Fiction, Folkore, Fables, Folktales, Mythology, Paranormal, Myths, Mythic, Hyborian, Bigfoot, Chupacabras, Aliens, Monsters, Cryptozoology, Atlantis, Lemuria, Lost Continents, Agharta, Asgard, Vanaheim, Cimmeria, Cimmerian, Conan, Tarzan, Pellucidar, Barsoom, John Carter of Mars, Shambleau, Eric John Stark, Jirel of Joiry, Northwest Smith, Haunted Planet, mysterious beings, dero, tero, cavern world, Arabian Nights, samurai, viking, norse, highlands, highlander, highlanders, celtic, native american, scary stories, the unknown, the little people, humanoids, cryptoterrestrials, strange creatures, cryptozoology, nephilim, humor, humorous fiction, strange but true, Cthulhu Mythos, Nyarlathotep, Dagon, crawling chaos, shub-niggurath, Dying Earth, Cugel the Clever, Elak of Atlantis, Dunwich Horror, Aquilonia, King Kull, Serpent Men, Valusia, werewolf, werewolves, ghoul, ghouls, imps, trolls, djinn, huldre, elves, sidhe, unseelie, giant, giants, giantess, giantesses, giantess, nephilim, anakim, rephaim, gibborim, neanderthal, neandertal, cro-magnon, homo erectus, gigantopithicus, australopithicus, homo floresiensis, Hidden Mysteries, As Above So Below, Beyond Reality, Ancient Mysteries, Our Mysterious Planet


a level-headed, open-minded look at strange phenomena: bigfoot, ufos, ghosts, paranormal investigations, cryptozoology, monsters and mystery animals


Science Frontiers publishes catalogues of anomalies in the sciences, and a newsletter of strange phenomena Over 2000 reports available free online


A Peer Reviewed Journal for the Cryptozoological Community

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