establish wopa establish
NASGA is a non-profit organization positively supporting sea glass collectors and the sea glass community with festivals, information, educational opportunities, commercial membership and more. The primary goal of NASGA is to establish a community of informed collectors and sellers of sea glass that are educated on the characteristics and significance of genuine sea glass. Click…
To establish a level playing field for all members of our community, so all may enjoy a better quality of life.
Save the Earth, Elect a United Earth Government led by Proven and Dedicated Earth loving and caring non profit organizations and activists working on Global Critical Issues and Save the Earth. Save the Earth, Elect a United Earth Government. Address Poverty, Hunger, Starvation, being Homeless, Lack of Schools, Unfair Distribution of Wealth, Needs of the Poor and Underprivileged People, and Developing Countries.Save the Earth, Elect a United Earth Government. Save the Environment, Fight Climate Change, Global Warming, Save Natural Habitat which belongs to the Animals, Birds, Fish and other aquatic or marine life, Stop Deforestation, Practice Sustainable Development, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, Reduce Waste, Limit CO2 Carbon-di-Oxide Generation Per Person Per Year, Live a relatively Humble Life Conscious and be Aware of and Caring of All Life and Living Things in the Earth, Consume Less, Buy only the Necessities, Stop Luxuries, Reduce Long Distance Travelling as much as possible for Pilgrimage, Vacation, Stop Pollution of Land, Ocean, Rivers, Lakes and Air, Stop Dumping of Wastes into the Land, Rivers, Lakes, Ocean, Stop Disposables, Use Only Reusables. Allocate Certain Regions as Keep Out Regions for Development to Protect the Environment and the Natural Habitat, Such as the Arctic, Antarctic, Forests, Lakes, Ocean, Rivers, Parks, Animals, Birds, Fish and other Aquatic and Marine Sanctuaries.Save the Earth, Elect a United Earth Government. Animal Rights, Save the Animals, Stop Animal Abuse, Torture and Slaughter of Animals in the Meat Industry, Factory Farms, Dairy Industry, Entertainment Using Animals such as Circuses, Using Dolphins in Aquariums, Drugs or Pharmaceutical Research Experiments using Animals, Using Animals Fur, Wool, Animals Skin, Torturing Animals, Skinning Animals Alive, Hunting, Beating or Injuring or Hurting Animals. Be Vegetarians, even better be Vegans.Save the Earth, Elect a United Earth Government. Build a Sustainable, Environment Friendly and Energy Efficient Electric Transportation Infrastructure. Under take an on demand internet coordinated online controlled door to door sharred Transportation network using all the seats of vehicles being occupied.Save the Earth, Elect a United Earth Government. Stop use of Oil, Gasoline, Coal and Other Global Warming Chemical Fuels. Plan on Alternate Energy Sources; Solar, Wind Energy, eventually Relatively Safe Low Risk Nuclear Fusion Reactors with Electric Storage Batteries.Save the Earth, Elect a United Earth Government. Globally Plan Development, with Agriculture, Housing, Mining, Factories, Businesses, Roads and Highways, Railways, Conserving Land and Natural Habitat, Safeguarding Species, Enabling Migration of Animals without any Interruptions of their Migration Paths by Roads, Highways, Cities, Agriculture lands, Farms, Factories, Mines etc.Save the Earth, Elect a United Earth Government. Draft Earth Law, establish a United Earth Security and Peace Keeping Force (UESPKF) to Stand on Guard for Mother Earth and Save the Earth, establish Security and Peace Everywhere on Earth, Protect the People, Animals, Plants, Environment, Natural Habitat and Natural Resources. Stop Weapons of Mass Destruction. Eliminate Nuclear, Chemical, Biological and Viral Warfare Weapons. Eliminate Conflicts between Nations, Fight Terrorism, Gangsters.Save the Earth, Elect a United Earth Government. Face Warlords, Bad Leaders, Bad Governments with Bad Military Generals Motivated by Ethnic or Religious Bigotry, Causing Violence Against Minorities, or Driving People out causing a worldwide refugee Crisis. Force them to Treat Minorities Fairly.Save the Earth, Elect a United Earth Government. Undertake Development of Developing Countries so that people become Self Sufficient in their own countries and do not have to migrate to developed countries for survival and cause a Worldwide Refugee Crisis.
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InfantSEE®, a public health program, managed by Optometry Cares® -The AOA Foundation, is designed to ensure that eye and vision care becomes an essential part of infant wellness care to improve a child's quality of life.
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Cosmos is in Dubai and we are working with our partners in many countries of the world to deliver the highest value to customers. Cosomos seek to establish new coming branches in other locations in the United Arab Emirates. Previous Next /
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