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Hypotrichose mit juveniler Makuladistrophie,ein äußerst seltenes Krankheitsbild gekennzeichnet durch spärlichen Haarwuchs von Geburt an und fortschreitender Makuladegeneration /
the site is intended to educate the reader about a surgical method of treating those who have lost skin pigment from injuries burns ,congenital disorders such as piebaldism, and as a result of the disease, vitiligo. dr. kahns method has been very successful for treating these disorders and he continues to improve upon his methods.
The site is intended to educate the reader about a surgical method of treating those who have lost skin pigment from injuries (burns) ,congenital disorders such as piebaldism, and as a result of the disease, vitiligo. Dr. Kahns method has been very successful for treating these disorders and he continues to improve upon his methods.
CELLnTEC uses advanced insights into the biology of epithelial cells to develop precision epithelial culture media plus 2D & 3D in vitro models.
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