el34 wopa el34
Der EL-34 stellt den „heiligen Gral“ für einen röhrengetriebenen Gitarrenverstärker dar. Single Ended Class A Technik mit weiterentwickelten Ausstattungsmerkmalen produziert dieser revolutionäre Gitarrenamp die berühmte Singing Voice bei kleinsten Ausmaßen, Gewicht und hoher Leistungseffizienz.
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Custom made tube amplifiers and speaker cabinets for guitars, hand-crafted by Dave Meier in Switzerland.
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Audio Nirvana Lowther Fostex DIY Full-Range Speaker Kits, High Efficiency speakers, vacuum tube amps. 3-15 inches. The world's best full-range speakers. /
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Audio Nirvana Lowther Fostex DIY Full Range Speaker Kits, Open Baffle speakers, vacuum tube amps. 6-15 inches. The world's best full range speakers.
Random Chance Records - Random Chance Records is an independent CD label created to publish music of great blues and jazz artists whose work is no longer available, and new artists who have something interesting and creative to express in jazz, blues, latino music or anything else that deserves to be heard.
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