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dupuytrens contracture and Ledderhose disease. Independent site with forum: surgery, needle aponeurotomy, collagenase and radiotherapy.
dupuytrens contracture and Ledderhose disease. Independent site with forum: surgery, needle aponeurotomy, collagenase and radiotherapy.
International conference on dupuytren Disease and related diseases on May 22/23 2015 in Groningen, The Netherlands, Organized by the International dupuytren Society, supported by UMCG and endorsed by FESSH and IFSSH.
Association pour l'étude et le traitement non chirurgical de la maladie de dupuytren.
Dr. Kristopher Avant is an orthopaedic surgeon in Oklahoma City. Navigate to know more about joint replacement surgery, dupuytren, xiaflex and rotator cuff.
Centre de la Main à Nice: Chirurgie du Canal Carpien, Doigt à ressaut, dupuytren, Rhizarthrose et chirurgie d'urgence réparatrice (blessures...)
Centre de la Main à Nice: Chirurgie du Canal Carpien, Doigt à ressaut, dupuytren, Rhizarthrose et chirurgie d'urgence réparatrice (blessures...)
chirurgie orthopedique - maladies des articulations, os, tendons, ligaments et nerfs des membres. prothese de hanche, genou menisque dechire, ligament croise, prothese , main canal carpien, dupuytren , pied hallus valgus
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