computations wopa computations
This website is a blog for statistical computations that are generated by the software. Users can blog their results, and share them with the entire internet community. In addition, the blog posts can be used in the form of a discussion forum, and a scientific word processor that allows one to disseminate empirical research in a truly reproducible way these documents are called 'compendium' . A compendium contains the author's text, the empirical data, and the R source code that was used to compute the results. Readers of a compendium are empowered to reproduce, and reuse the research findings without the need to download and install anything.
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Truebit is a blockchain enhancement which enables smart contracts to securely and affordably perform complex computations in standard programming languages.
Engineering Solutions and Services
Astronomical computations and mathematical functions source programs in C. Home page of the Cephes Mathematical Library.
Home page for project LinBox a library for high performance exact linear algebraic computations
Recent Flink blogs Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.6.1 Release Announcement October 27, 2023 - Rui Fan. The Apache Flink Community is pleased to announce the first bug fix release of the Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.6 series. The release contains fixes for several critical issues, and some doc … Continue reading Announcing the Release of Apache Flink 1.18 October 24, 2023 - Jing Ge. Konstantin Knauf. Sergey Nuyanzin. Qingsheng Ren. The Apache Flink PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache Flink 1.
All sorts of calculation and conversion tools. Free no-nonsense user-friendly online calculation tools. Number conversions (dec/hex/oct/bin...). Text conversions (hex/base32/base64). computations (crc-32...) and many more!
CM2 MeshTools® is a C++ Mesh Generation SDK for software developing companies and research centers involved in scientific computations.
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