composing wopa composing
dr. leslie and the composing room. 1934 - 1942 an important time in the development of american graphic mfa thesis project written and designed by erin k malone.
Süsstrunk & Jericke GmbH Zürich – photography and digital retouching – Bildbearbeitung
Mit einem Portfolio bestehend aus Themen der Politik, der Werbung, der Natur und der Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografie will Eddie Toii zum kreativen Nachdenken anregen. Diese digitalen Kompositionen greifen aktuelle Themen mal ernst mal mit Humor auf und verwandeln sie in einzigartige digitale Kunstwerke. /
Bailey Math Sound, formerly Terminator Smile is an audio house located in Brooklyn, NY. As the owner and creative director, Bailey Math believes in the true spirit of collaboration and working with clients to take their ideas to the next level. Bailey brings over a decade of experience in leading and collaborating in projects requiring sound supervision, recording, mixing, mastering, composing, and sound design. Bailey Math Sound can either work closely with you or take the lead on any project requiring a strong backbone of high quality sound. We work on projects both large and small. Let's make something great together.
Home of Virtual Playing Orchestra and music created by Paul Battersby
Discover Maestro Composer and Maestro Notation - award-winning, world class music notation and composition software for musicians, composers, and engravers.
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