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a fun, free, online web tool that quickly enables you to resize, edit, cut, crop, add rounded corners and a drop shadow to your image, picture or photo now with special color filters, sharpening, denoising, and reflection tools too secure your friends or images data by bluring out parts of your picture that you don't want people to see with our custom cropping tool, you can select an area of an image you wish to blur out, or you can select and area to remain clear and the rest will be blurred.
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Layout and modify routes using the easy route planner. Import GPX or KML files from your iPhone, GPS device or a community portal. View mile markers along a routes course. Automatically download elevation data. Select and inspect parts of a route to learn about its profile. Name, rate, flag, comment and colorize collected routes. Export routes as GPX files to share and follow.
Entdeckte die Welt von Sylvia online. Auf findest Du alles von Silvia auf Facebook, Twitter und Sylvia bei Instragram online auf einer Seite.
Layout and modify routes using the easy route planner. Import GPX or KML files from your iPhone, GPS device or a community portal. View mile markers along a routes course. Automatically download elevation data. Select and inspect parts of a route to learn about its profile. Name, rate, flag, comment and colorize collected routes. Export routes as GPX files to share and follow.
Résultats fournis par Wopa!