clashes wopa clashes
Rumors of a sunken treasure send a Wizard on a deep ocean expedition. A Village's troops goes on strike, forcing a Barbarian King and Archer Queen to improvi...
Documentary photography from India, usa, Nepal, China and more. death is part of life, photojournalism about how the dead body taken care in Sweden. Cremation, scattering ashes to winds.
Contact: Krzysztof IwaDski, born 6h March 1985 is involved in poster art, screen printing and painting. The artist’s works are spontaneity and dynamism linked with striving for harmony and orderliness. The artist oscillates between stylistics deriving from Neo-Plasticism, Constructivism as well as influences stemming from the tradition of Bauhause. As for the form, the artist, similarly to other constructivists, distances himself from realistic presentation in favour of more abstract, geometric, minimized forms which carry the spirit of modernity in a better way. An artist should not disregard any field of art because art can be “created” equally well by the means of graphic design, prints and commercial design. Often, looking for our own artistic way, we come across inspirations which may be perceived as beginnings of new opportunities. That is where a wish to experiment stems from and this happens on different stages of creation. It may occur that during this search an activity appears which satisfies an artist. Because Krzysztof chose an “occupation” of an artist, in his work he aspires to find his own recognisable style. Krzysztof’s works are the way of open opportunities. Active attitude to inspiration and tendency to orderliness rather than destruction assisted by a crucial function of intuition and subconscious. Sometimes he surrenders to a strong emotional stimuli. However, he always controls means and technique he uses. He is ready to explore even at the cost of abandoning his previous experiences. In his compositions, the artist applies elements penetrating through the space of a plane. In many of his realizations, structures of a graphic matter of complicated shapes appear on planes organized geometrically by illusional forms. In his other works building of a plane in a static way is penetrated by softness of a form and aesthetic of symmetry. Forms overlap but do not cover one another completely. He aspires to make one shape visible through the other. He clashes representing elements with typographic elements. He creates works in which arrangements seem to portray rules of order, harmony, balance and tensions. He shapes homogeneous (coherent) configurations from separate elements. In Krzysztof’s works, elements (forms) can be perceived as a fragment of undetermined and constantly, anew, explored arrangement, as an infinite space whose limits are marked only by imagination. All art created by him is marked by sense of restraint and order, looking for clarity of statement. Krzysztof IwaDski is a young “creator” who makes something out of nothing. Some of the most important exhibitions and awards • 2nd and 6th China Poster Triennale / China • 1st and 2nd Chicago Poster Biennale: Poster / USA • 21st and 23rd – Katowice Poster Biennale / Poland • 22nd and 23rd Warsaw Poster Biennale / Poland Exhibition 200 Birthday of Frederyk Chopin /Poland Golden Bee /Russia • 9th Toyama poster triennial / Japan • 9th and 10th Golden Bee Moscow Internecional Biennale of Graphic Design / Russia • Plakat lubi [piewa Aneks – SPOT Galery / Poland • Plakat lubi [piewa – National Musem in Poznan / Poland • Taiwan International Graphic Design Award / Taiwan • Chopin Postscriptum 2010 / Poland
Marseille’s thriving musical scene has its very own rascal kids Date with Elvis clashes with its howling screams and its thick guitar with smooth
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