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Birthtalk.org specialises in healing from traumatic birth or having an empowering birth, no matter how you are birthing. With IRL Meetings, online Articles, and a new book called How to Heal a Bad Birth, we support those wanting to move on from a traumatic birth.
a global initiative to create optimal motherbaby maternity care based on the results of the best available evidence that support the imbci 10 steps
socalbirth.org is a childbirth resource center. Go here to find a midwife, doula, childbirth companion, childbirth classes in So. Calif. Also information on Becoming a Midwife and Childbirthing Options.
Doula Joyce provides professional birth doula services in Lincoln, Nebraska. Joyce supports families planning induction of labor, epidural, cesarean, waterbirth, natural, Hypnobabies, Bradley, Lamaze, VBAC, hospital, and birth center childbirth, and more. /
Diane West is a Licensed Midwife offering Prenatal Care and Home Birth in the Greater Los Angeles Area
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Pregnancy/Birth/Family/Newborn Photography, Waterbirth, Labor Doula, Calm Birth, Childbirth Education Classes, Birth Tub Rentals, Birth Pool in a Box - Since 1987, A Resource Dedicated to Integrating Balance in Birth. This site has extensive information on everything relating to pregnancy photography, family photography, birth photography, waterbirth, labor support doulas, selfcare for the doula and chakras.
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