caucasus wopa caucasus
home / Scientific Network for caucasus Mountain Regions (SNC-mt) is an open network of researchers and other stakeholders interested in disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research on the caucasus region and academic collaboration. / home - Scientific Network for the caucasus Mount
journal of conflict transformation
WHO WE ARE We are a passionate group of different professionals who believe in the power of the image to achieve social transformation. Our view has nowhere
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This group is dedicated to informing the world about the justice deprived North caucasus, and the human rights violations inflicted by the Russian invaders which conquered the region. All interested are welcome to join.
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caucasus times — региональное информационное агентство специализирующееся на новостях юга россии и закавказья caucasus times освещает события в чечне ингушетии дагестане кабардино балкарии карачаево черкесии адыгее северной осетии в краснодарском и ставропольском краях а также в республиках закавказье
In-depth news, stories and analysis from across the caucasus. Politics, economics, conflicts, social life, travel, culture in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and other parts of the caucasus.
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