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Résultats de la recherche : 87 site(s)


Welcome to the US antimicrobial Copper site: the non-commercial portal for information on the hygienic properties and applications of copper.


Welcome to the FAAST Initiative! FAAST provides producers and veterinarians with the news, tools, and resources to help prevent antimicrobial resistance.


EFFORT is a collaborative research project, co-financed by the European Union. This EFFORT against amr, intends to reveal farming and veterinarian practices that allow to fighting antimicrobial resistance. Coordinator is Utrecht University.


Localized antimicrobial stewardship apps via Stewardship Assist and continually updated clinical guidelines via app, web, and API.

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Vyv (prev. Vital Vio) UV-free antimicrobial Light works around the clock to create cleaner environments in the places we live, work, and play.

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antimicrobials and Fermentates are label friendly food protection solutions to secure quality throughout shelf-life of food product.


US BIOLOGIC develops solutions to Lyme, tick disease, pet health and antimicrobial resistance in poultry and livestock through oral vaccines. Find out more.

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