aldrys wopa aldrys
le groupe winncare est spécialisé dans la fabrication de matériel et d'équipement médical: lits médicaux, mobilier pour collectivités, matelas et coussins thérapeutiques, lèves-personnes destinés aux personnes en perte d'autonomie au domicile et en collectivités.
The WINNCARE group specializes in the manufacture of medical equipment and materials: medical beds, hospital furniture, therapeutic mattresses and cushions, lifts for people with loss of autonomy at home and in healthcare institutions.
Il gruppo WINNCARE è specializzato nella fabbricazione di materiali e dispositivi medicali: letti da degenza, arredo ospedaliero, materassi e cuscini terapeutici, solleva-malati destinati a persone ad autonomia ridotta, a casa e presso le strutture di cura.
The WINNCARE group specializes in the manufacture of medical equipment and materials: medical beds, hospital furniture, therapeutic mattresses and cushions, lifts for people with loss of autonomy at home and in healthcare institutions.
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