agilent wopa agilent
agilent delivers complete scientific solutions, helping customers achieve superior outcomes in their labs, clinics, business and the world they seek to improve.
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mesure par laser, agilent, 5526a, 5528a, 5529a, calibrateur dynamique, interférométrie laser, controle laser mesure, clm, calibration, compensation.
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Niedt Teaqm Vakuumpumpe, trockenlaufende Drehschiebervakuumpumpe, Seitenkanalvakuumpumpe, Klauenvakuumpumpe, Drehschiebervakuumpumpe, Ölgeschmierte Vakuumpumpe Druck Maschinenbau Meister Service
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Learn about the agilent CRISPR/Cas9 system, an integrated solution for in vitro CRISPR/Cas9 research. The system features gRNA synthesis and control kits, CRISPR libraries, cloning kits, and endonuclease kits.
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