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Résultats de la recherche : 42 site(s)

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logiciel de sauvegarde gratuit + cloud ftp nas tape lto drive image base de données sql server vmware esxi hyper v exchange windows 10 server 2012 2016


Software di backup Drive Image, VMware ESXi Free e Hyper-V, SQL Server, Exchange. Backup su NAS e Tape LTO. Backup Cloud, S3, Google Drive e FTP. Windows 10 / Server 2019

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Uranium Backup is a backup software for Windows that supports file and folder, VMware ESXi, Hyper-V and SQL backup. Enjoy 21- days free trial of Gold edition.

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Drive Image backup software, VMware ESXi Free and Hyper-V, SQL Server, Exchange. Backup to NAS and Tape LTO. Cloud Backup, S3, Google Drive and FTP. Windows 10 / Server 2019


Vertical Backup is a tool that can backup ESXi virtual machines to NFS/SFTP/Amazon S3/Microsft Azure/Backblaze B2. It comes with many advantaged features, such as cross-host deduplication, client-side encryption, scheduling, email notifications, etc.

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