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Résultats de la recherche : 10 site(s)


There's an explorer in each of us. Discover miles of wide-open beaches, marshes teeming with life, and live oaks draped in Spanish moss.


The artist Kate Bergin paints a world where birds and animals come together on a cloth draped table top. Unlike a traditional still life these creatures are poised ready to leap, roar and squawk reminding us of our own balancing acts between the calm and chaotic of everyday life.


Mojito is proudly made in Montreal and tailored for contemporary women who know what suits their bodies—and their lifestyle Clothing that transitions from day to evening with a simple change of accessories makes dressing easy and fun and the high quality well priced designs are already flying off the shelves


COINONIA creates fresh and contemporary garments and accessories for the creative woman All the collection pieces are first draped on the mannequins to be given a life and a story by hand under a seasonal concept Experimental and architectural shape dynamic cutting and sensitive details and colors are then introduced to define their characters Narrative and conceptual mood is always there as the essence of their works Feminine but masculine still but dynamic tender but hard… These contradictions are the source of their creation to be mingled and give a birth to a new design


Jenny Hardcastle is more than a fashion designer and a dressmaker she is a sculptor of fabric


Mollie Kellogg: Magical Mystical Portraits, Figurative Paintings and Short Films #molliekellogg #incognitowitch #gingeranxiety #celebratehiddenmagick #youaremagick

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