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Oregon Cougar Action Team - The Cougar, the Tick, and Lyme Disease Ecology ODFW cougar kill-zone map and link to Lyme disease overlay:  Conflicts with the cougar (Felis Concolor), mirror human issues.  Balanced on a pinnacle of ecologically intricate webs of cougars' interdependent relationships, sits the well-being and prosperity of Oregon's complex social and economic structures. One such structure is the paradox of the “cougar tick Lyme disease ecology.” Here in this critical zone is the essence of human-wildlife relationships tangled in the environmentally mind-boggling complexities the cougar and tick have forged. Although many Oregonians will never see a cougar, visit the wilderness, or leave the comforts of urban living; by merely protecting them from a tiny Lyme disease tick, this elusive, apex predator still wields near-mystical powers over each of their lives. Conservation strategies that benefit cougars may also benefit an array of Lyme disease issues.  Although the cougar has killed approximately 27 humans[1] throughout Canada and the United States in the last 100 years; Oregonians fear cougar more than a Borrelia burgdorferi infected Lyme disease tick, which annually sickens or disables hundreds of Oregonians: [2]  [1][2] 200

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