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Résultats de la recherche : 500 site(s)

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a powerful and conceptual apps base dashboard template that especially build for developers and programmers.

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Since the appointment of Glenn Martens as Creative Director of Y/Project in 2013, the Paris based label has combined conceptual and inventive detailing with playful proportions and a witty take on historical references.


Lyon, Design, designer, design produit, design industriel, agence de design, laboratoire d'usage,paris, marseille, design produit, packaging,product design, conceptual design, industrial design, experience design, product development


Lyon, Design, designer, design produit, design industriel, agence de design, laboratoire d'usage,paris, marseille, design produit, packaging,product design, conceptual design, industrial design, experience design, product development


Mixed-media, contemporary artist working with themes of science and storytelling. Through independent and collaborative projects I curiously explore a wide range of conceptual material using photography and video, often in combination with machine driven


XTO, Christo Guelov Visual Media & Conceptual Artist. Selected Video Art Projects. Biography, address, contact. %@8AB 5;2


Judy Rey Wasserman's Post Conceptual UnGraven Image is simultaneously religious and secular art that is science based (neuroscience and physics), inspirational art as it uses symbols for every stroke, the website features Judaica Art, art and images, art theory, art news, art show and gallery reveiws, fine art peints, a weekly blog, and more on Post Conceptual art at the intersection of sceince and religion, including a free art manifesto to download


Visual,Conceptual,Photography,Film,Video,Books,Objects,Installation,Performance,Writings,Catalogues,Internships,Grants,Curatorials,Promotion,Publication,Portfolio Assistance. /


���� Escritora y poeta española-argentina, pionera en el campo de la poesía electrónica o ciberpoesía. Literatura experimental y expandida, poesía conceptual, narrativa no lineal


minimal conceptual compositions for solo instruments exploiting loops and delays by Giles Thomas


bob carey is a commercial photographer based new york city and has operated a successful studio for over 20 years bob’s commercial clients both impressive and varied appreciate bob's fine art approach which fuels his distinctive and often conceptual


le site regroupe les diff￿rentesactivit￿s de ghislain mollet-vi￿ville agent d'art qui assure la promotionde l'art minimal & conceptuel jusque dans ses d￿veloppements aujourd'hui:- conf￿rences dans les mus￿es, universit￿s, entreprises priv￿es etpubliques,- constitution d'archives r￿put￿es comme la source d'informationindispensable ￿ bon nombre de collectionneurs,conservateurs, critiques etprofessionnels divers,- articles dans la presse sp￿cialis￿e,- organisation d'expositions et participation ￿ d


Bienvenidos a Ersilias | Libros, poesía visual, pinturas, obra conceptual | Exposiciones, Eventos | Discursos, Poetas Visuales y... mucho más...


We are a curated non profit platform which creates, contextualises and broadcasts art papers and exhibitions. We investigates the various aspects of contemporary art and art from the past centuries with a common belief that the present is informed by the past and the past remains open to understanding.

Redirection : /cfa

TLAB - A comprehensive and easy-to-use software for text analysis and text mining


A visual journey through the work of Vincent Ward - his films, conceptual and visual work, art, and commercials.


Abhishek Hazra is visual artist based in Bangalore, India exploring the history and philosophy of science through conceptual interventions and performance pieces.

Redirection :

Bruthaus gallery, Haider Jabbar, bruthausgallery, tentoonstelling, kunst, art, fade-outs, Joris vander Borght, Waregem, Maart, Luk Berghe, Philippe Van Wolputte, art, contemporary art, exhibitions, Jura Shust, Federico Acal, Joachim Coucke, Mathias Casaer, Robin Vermeersch, installations, conceptual art, moderne kunst, installatie, conceptuele kunst, performance, sound performance, misfits, Sava, Sava?,


EuPRAXIA will produce a conceptual design report for the worldwide first 5 GeV plasma-based accelerator with industrial beam quality and user areas. EuPRAXIA is a large research infrastructure beyond the capabilities of a single lab. ​​The project will bridge the gap between successful proof-of-principle experiments and ground-breaking, ultra-compact accelerators for science, industry, medicine or the energy frontier.


We support the conceptual modelling community of organizations and individuals with tools, knowledge and education.


Claire Fontaine is a feminist, conceptual artist, founded in Paris in 2004.


The Glacial Drift The Glacial Drift is a conceptual art band based in Seattle that mixes elements of progressive rock, experimental, psychedelic, south american and world music. It was formed in 2009 by Hilde Clark-Snustad (Montana) and Xavier Alejandro Reyes-Ochoa (Ecuador).


a site featuring works by simon tyszko, multidisciplinary, experimental, contemporary, avant garde, sonic arts, audio arts, regular broadcaster on London's Art Radio station, creator of suicide bomber barbie and other left field politically inspired seditionary artworks in the style of agitprop, agitation propaganda, conceptual mischief maker.


Kurt Ryslavy is an Austrian conceptual artist, wine merchant and poet, based in Brussels.

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