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Résultats de la recherche : 232 site(s)

1 - a comprehensive guide to text messaging.


description This poker dictionary is a glossary of poker terms, definitions, slang, and acronyms used in both online and live poker games


Backgammon: rules, articles, books, FAQ, glossary, annotated matches, Java backgammon game, hall of fame.

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critical online edition of Beowulf: Old English text, English translation, Deutsch �bersetzung, glossary, explanatory notes, background material


Everything about GPS, GNSS, Scilab, Scicos and Mobile Computing


Port house founded in 1588. Presents its history, products, vineyards, how port is made, the types of port, and a glossary.


Lookup computer terminology definitions and tech jargon from subjects such as hardware, software, equipment, devices, abbreviations and more with this free online computing dictionary and tech glossary.


Free abbreviations listing: find the french meaning of an abbreviation with an online dictionary.


Tax havens, offshore tax havens or offshore jurisdictions as they are sometimes called provide many tax advantages for clients and corporations around the world. In tax havens offshore business companies can be registered, offshore foundations and offshore trusts can be formed and offshore banking can take place. The offshore tax havens of the world have high levels of privacy and the tax havens are well known for the asset protection which they offer. Tax Havens of the world Best tax haven Offshore Tax Offshore Haven, Tax gloss, tax glosses, tax haven definition Offshore Tax Havens and cool Tax Haven Countries best tax havens of the world, tax glossary, tax havens glossary Tax Havens list world tax havens list or world best tax havens list, tax havens information tax havens definition and tax havens comparison - incorporate in tax haven, tax haven incorporation tax haven company offshore banking in tax havens, tax havens of the world and list of tax haven countries, tax havens business in best tax heavens.Offshore havens? Looking for a best tax havens of the world? Than is the right place for the information about tax havens and will help you to choose the right tax haven for your needs.


Annenberg Classroom's free resources include over 65 videos on constitutional concepts and Supreme Court cases as well as games, lesson plans, timelines, downloadable books, a glossary, and a Constitution guide.


The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international standard-setting body that promotes proprietary, industrial and commercial standards around the world.


Psychology lexicon - The glossary for the world of Psychology

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Dick Oakes' amateur radio glossary, archery glossary, b-westerns, denver dog parks, denver area off-leash dog parks, emergency preparedness, folk dancing, games, ghost towns, harry oliver, le roy magician, recipes, richland bombers.


Northwest Branch, Theosophical Society; material on theosophy, reincarnation, karma, etc.; Collation of Theosophical Glossaries; links to theosophy on the web.


Theosophy pure and simple in the words of H P Blavatsky William Q Judge and others in an organized library of complete and searchable online texts No organizational affiliations; no memberships or logins required


Best online poker sites guide including poker strategy, online poker room reviews, poker odds, poker book reviews, poker software reviews, poker leaks and a poker glossary


An introduction to the process of kundalini awakening with articles glossary booklist personal story and links to teachers workshops healing practices and centers and other resources

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