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Foundations of machine learning and statistics; bayesian nonparametric statistics; computable probability theory; probabilistic programming languages.


�������� Hi! My name is Younesse Kaddar. I'm a theoretical computer science PhD student at the University of Oxford, working on programming language semantics, bayesian probabilistic programming, and category theory. Welcome to my website! �������� Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Younesse Kaddar, et je suis un thésard en informatique théorique à l'Université d'Oxford, travaillant sur la sémantique des langages de programmation, la théorie des langages de programmation probabilistes Bayésiens, et la théorie des catégories. Bienvenue sur mon site personnel !

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brint: future of finance: we create the digital future: silicon valley-wall street-pentagon digital pioneer post-doc mit-princeton industry expert leading the future of finance-technology-risk: leading silicon valley vcs to wall street hedge funds to pentagon joint chiefs: advancing worldwide digital practices beyond data, models, algorithms to real time performance: our 3-decades r&d leading global finance technology & risk practices developed anticipation of surprise framework applied by goldm

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bayesian network & Causal AI software. Use artificial intelligence for prediction, diagnostics, anomaly detection, decision automation, insight extraction, causal analysis, and time series models. Includes APIs for .NET & Java, and integrates with Python, R, Excel, Matlab & Apache Spark.

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