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In 2016, in the run up to the presidential election, journalists Eve Pearlman and Jeremy Hay were watching the rise of discord, vitriol and nastiness in our public spaces. They started thinking about how they might practice their craft differently — how they might go to the heart of divides, to places of conflict, as journalists always have, but once there, do something different.

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<meta name="description" content"="Created in 2005 by Eric Cassar, Arkhenspaces is an architecture, design and city planning studio located in Paris, France with a focus in the research, design and construction of new contemporary spaces. Each project always integrates various points of views : artistic, social, technical, environmental (sustainable development).">


Planning an event? Looking for a suitable event space for rent in Singapore? Browse over 300 curated event venue rentals right here, be it function rooms, meeting rooms, conference rooms, training rooms, seminar rooms, party halls or even restaurant spaces. Start searching today!

The James 200

Discover the best of city centre living with a straightforward approach to renting, where stylish apartments meet inviting shared spaces. Live your way, meet like-minded people, be part of our community.


Make your collaboration sessions fun and productive - w/a variety of turn-key rooms for every occasion and 24/7 coworking access.


At Toro, our passion is helping professionals and homeowners create and maintain beautiful outdoor spaces. We are focused on continually finding better ways to care for landscapes in an environmentally-friendly manner.


Ask Codes provides structured tutorials on cyber security and bug hunt, source code for coding projects, collection of coding problems and solutions, and online games


SIEGENIA is room comfort. Our products and solutions bring spaces to life and give people a sense of well-being. e create protection through secure windows and doors. Greater ease of use thanks to clever app solutions. Feel comfortable because of intelligent, energy-efficient systems and a healthy living environment that you can breathe and feel.

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spaces is a full service, creative working environment with a unique entrepreneurial spirit, where ideas develop, businesses build and relationships evolve.


SIEGENIA is room comfort. Our products and solutions bring spaces to life and give people a sense of well-being. e create protection through secure windows and doors. Greater ease of use thanks to clever app solutions. Feel comfortable because of intelligent, energy-efficient systems and a healthy living environment that you can breathe and feel.


The platform for booking secure truck parking spaces on the most important European transport routes. Protect truck drivers and cargo.


We are a Dutch design studio that brings information back to the core, creates a narrative concept and a unique design. We believe in the power of narrative, distinctive design for spaces, installations, products and art. /


Whether you're buying or selling Phoenix real estate, Roberta Candelaria of is the resource you want. Learn more here.


Source Books and Sacred spaces is your online home for Books on Spiritualism, Personal Development, Oneness and much more

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ParkMobile lets you easily find and pay for parking using our free app or online for spaces across the country. You can find us anywhere you park your car.


The Roundhouse is one of the most incredible live performance spaces in the world. We believe in the power of creativity to change lives.


Campfire provides industry-focused coworking spaces in Hong Kong, leading the evolution of how people work.


boiler inspection training, Before work is performed in the fire, steam, or water spaces of a boiler where employees may be subject to injury from the direct escape of a high temperature medium such as steam, or water, oil, or other medium at a high temperature entering from an interconnecting system, the employer shall insure ...


The objective of the project MAJALAT is to create and promote a space of encounter and constructive dialogue between the civil society of the South of the Mediterranean and the European Union (EU). Through its annual cycle of meetings at national, regional and European levels, as well as virtual tools and spaces on key themes for the Euro-Mediterranean region, the project aims to mobilize civil society as well as other key players in the field/region.


Shape is a strategic consulting design agency based in Casablanca, Morocco. We pride ourselves on creating meaningful experiences through design for our clients. Our offer covers visual identities, products and spaces design, events scenography and social media & websites ux design.


At Yalp, we want to play, exercise, sport, and explore the world because it enriches our lives with a positive contribution to our physical, mental, and social health. We create inspiring environments that challenge both young and old to exercise and play, but it's all about having fun. Discover our solutions for creating fun play and sports spaces for your segment.

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