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<!DOCTYPE html><!-- Last Published: Thu Jan 23 2025 12:47:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) --><html data-wf-domain="" data-wf-page="65e89895c5a4b8d764c0d712" data-wf-site="65e89895c5a4b8d764c0d710" lang="en" data-wf-locale="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>Free AI Video Generator - Create AI Videos in 140 Languages</title><link rel="alternate" hrefLang="x-default" href=""/><link rel="alternate" hrefLang="en" href=""/><link rel="alternate" hrefLang="fr" href=""/><link rel="alternate" hrefLang="de" href=""/><link rel="alternate" hrefLang="es" href=""/><meta content="Create AI generated videos from text with the most advanced AI avatars and voiceovers in 140+ languages. Try our free AI video generator now!" name="description"/><meta content="Free AI Video Generator - Create AI Videos in 140 Languages" property="og:title"/><meta content="Create AI generated videos from text with the most advanced AI avatars and voiceovers in 140+ languages. Try our free AI video generator now!" property="og:description"/><meta content="" property="og:image"/><meta content="Free AI Video Generator - Create AI Videos in 140 Languages" property="twitter:title"/><meta content="Create AI generated videos from text with the most advanced AI avatars and voiceovers in 140+ languages. Try our free AI video generator now!" property="twitter:description"/><meta content="" property="twitter:image"/><meta property="og:type" content="website"/><meta content="summary_large_image" name="twitter:card"/><meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport"/><meta content="7sMogLnbmd8UrJm5RvESdRARC-sZv9geJ5autb-YMO0" name="google-site-verification"/><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/><script type="text/javascript">!function(o,c){var n=c.documentElement,t=" w-mod-";n.className+=t+"js",("ontouchstart"in o||o.DocumentTouch&&c instanceof DocumentTouch)&&(n.className+=t+"touch")}(window,document);</script><link href="" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon"/><link href="" rel="apple-touch-icon"/><link href="" rel="canonical"/><meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
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// Opt out by default
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<!-- Load Optimizely Script -->
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<!-- Optimizely event checks -->
(function () {
// Global variables for checks
let isUsVisitor = false;
let hasAnalyticsConsent = false;
let isInExperiment = false;
const userCountryKey = "countryCode";
const experimentKey = "inExperiment";
// Utility: Evaluate conditions and send events if all conditions are met
function evaluateConditionsAndSendEvents() {
`Evaluating conditions: ` +
`isUsVisitor=${isUsVisitor}, ` +
`hasAnalyticsConsent=${hasAnalyticsConsent}, ` +
if (isUsVisitor && hasAnalyticsConsent && isInExperiment) {
console.log("All conditions met. Sending events...");
window.optimizely.push({ type: "sendEvents" });
} else {
console.log("Conditions not met. Events not sent yet.");
// Check 1: Visitor Country
async function checkVisitorCountry() {
try {
let countryCode = sessionStorage.getItem(userCountryKey);
if (!countryCode) {
const response = await fetch("");
if (response.ok) {
const data = await response.json();
countryCode = ( || "").toUpperCase();
sessionStorage.setItem(userCountryKey, countryCode);
} else {
console.warn("GeoJS API returned an error:", response.statusText);
countryCode = "";
isUsVisitor = countryCode === "US";
console.log(`Visitor is ${isUsVisitor ? "from the US" : `not from the US (${countryCode})`}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error detecting visitor country:", error);
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// Check 2: Analytics Consent
function initializeConsentListener(retries = 10, delay = 300) {
if (window._hsp && typeof window._hsp.push === "function") {
const _hsp = window._hsp;
(consent) => {
hasAnalyticsConsent = consent?.categories?.analytics || false;
console.log(`Analytics consent: ${hasAnalyticsConsent}`);
console.log("Consent listener initialized.");
} else {
if (retries > 0) {
console.log(`_hsp not defined yet. Retrying in ${delay}ms...`);
setTimeout(() => initializeConsentListener(retries - 1, delay), delay);
} else {
console.warn("Could not initialize consent listener after multiple retries.");
// Check 3: In Experiment - including a synchronous check
function checkInExperiment() {
try {
// First, do a synchronous check using Optimizely's state object
if (typeof window.optimizely?.get === 'function') {
const variationMap = window.optimizely.get('state').getVariationMap();
if (variationMap && Object.keys(variationMap).length > 0) {
// User is already in an experiment
localStorage.setItem(experimentKey, "true");
isInExperiment = true;
console.log("User is already in an experiment (synchronous check).");
const alreadyInExperiment = !!localStorage.getItem(experimentKey);
if (!alreadyInExperiment) {
// If not already recorded, listen for the campaignDecided event
type: "addListener",
filter: { type: "lifecycle", name: "campaignDecided" },
handler: function (event) {
if ( !== null) {
localStorage.setItem(experimentKey, "true");
isInExperiment = true;
console.log("User bucketed into an experiment (event listener).");
} else {
// If already in experiment, isInExperiment = true set above
console.log("User already marked as inExperiment (localStorage check).");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error checking inExperiment:", error);
} finally {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async function () {
await checkVisitorCountry();
// Final evaluation in case all conditions are already met
(function () {
const IP_STORAGE_KEY = 'userIP';
const storedIP = sessionStorage.getItem(IP_STORAGE_KEY);
if (storedIP) {
// IP is already stored, push to dataLayer
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
'event': 'userIPRetrieved',
'userIP': storedIP // This is the plain IP
} else {
.then(response => response.json())
.then((data) => {
const userIP = data.ip;
sessionStorage.setItem(IP_STORAGE_KEY, userIP);
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
'event': 'userIPRetrieved',
'userIP': userIP
/* Global variables,functions and script */
// FREE DEMO - Removes popular Free Email Providers
const regEXBusiness =
// FREE DEMO - Email validation && Common mistakes
const regEXinvalidEmail =
const synthesiaData = {
// G2 data
g2Score: 4.7,
g2ReviewCount: 1246,
// Platform data
numberOfAvatars: 160,
numberOfLanguages: 130,
numberOfTemplates: 60,
numberOfCustomers: 50000
const g2Score = 4.7;
const g2ReviewCount = 4.7;
// Global functions
function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {
var timeout;
return function () {
var context = this,
args = arguments;
var later = function () {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);
function throttle(func, limit) {
let lastFunc;
let lastRan;
return function () {
const context = this;
const args = arguments;
if (!lastRan) {
func.apply(context, args);
lastRan =;
} else {
lastFunc = setTimeout(function () {
if (( - lastRan) >= limit) {
func.apply(context, args);
lastRan =;
}, limit - ( - lastRan));
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transform: translateX(.25rem);
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-webkit-user-drag: none;
user-select: text;
<!-- END - Convert cards to linkblock -->
(function (global) { const SYN = {}; SYN.debug = false; function getTimestamp() { return new Date().toISOString() } SYN.log = function (...args) { if (SYN.debug) { console.log(`[${getTimestamp()}]`, ...args) } }; global.SYN = SYN })(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global);
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<!-- Script to add additional language selector item -->
// Get the preferred browser language
const userLanguage = window.navigator.language.toLowerCase(); // Ensure it's lowercase for consistency
// Define language redirects
const languageRedirects = {
'sv': '/sv',
'it': '/it',
'pt-br': '/pt-br',
'nl': '/nl',
'ja': '/ja'
// Check if the URL has no parameters
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// Check if the user's language matches any in the redirects
if (languageRedirects[userLanguage]) {
window.location.href = languageRedirects[userLanguage];
function runLocaleScript() {
// Define function to clone and modify a language item
function cloneAndModifyLanguageItem(wrapperSelector, languageOptions) {
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const newItem = templateItem.cloneNode(true);
const link = newItem.querySelector("a");
if (link) {
link.setAttribute("hreflang", hreflang);
link.href = href;
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codeDiv.textContent = languageCode;
const nameDiv = newItem.querySelector("div[lang-name]");
if (nameDiv) {
nameDiv.textContent = languageName;
templateItem.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", newItem);
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{ hreflang: "pt-br", href: "/pt-br", languageCode: "pt br", languageName: "Portuguese" },
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'<span class="ptbr-lang-code-footer">br</span>'
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// List of country codes to redirect
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"LI", "MK", "MD", "MC", "ME", "NO", "SM", "TR", "UA", "RS", "CH", "VA", "US", "JP",
"KR", "HK", "SG", "BH", "KW", "OM", "QA", "SA", "AE", "IL", "MX", "BR", "ZA",
const freeDemoBtn = document.querySelector("#free-demo-btn");
// Function to check if the user is on a mobile device
function isMobileDevice() {
return /Mobi|Android|iPhone|iPad|iPod/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
// Immediately fetch user's country code and update button href if necessary
(async function checkAndSetButton() {
try {
// Get user's country code using the geojs API
const response = await fetch("");
const data = await response.json();
const countryCode =; // Convert to uppercase
// Log the country code
// console.log("Country Code:", countryCode);
// Update href attribute of #free-demo-btn if the user is from one of the specified countries and not on a mobile device
if (redirectCountries.includes(countryCode) && !isMobileDevice()) {
freeDemoBtn.setAttribute("href", "/pricing"); // Update href attribute
freeDemoBtn.querySelector("div").innerText = "Get started for FREE";
// French
if (document.documentElement.lang === "fr") {
freeDemoBtn.setAttribute("href", "/fr/tarifs"); // Update href attribute
freeDemoBtn.querySelector("div").innerText =
"Commencez gratuitement";
// German
if (document.documentElement.lang === "de") {
freeDemoBtn.setAttribute("href", "/de/preise"); // Update href attribute
freeDemoBtn.querySelector("div").innerText =
"Jetzt kostenlos loslegen";
// Spanish
if (document.documentElement.lang === "es") {
freeDemoBtn.setAttribute("href", "/es/precios"); // Update href attribute
freeDemoBtn.querySelector("div").innerText =
"Comienza gratis";
return; // Stop further execution after updating href
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching country code:", error);
/* No intercom on tablet/mobile */
@media only screen and (max-width: 991px) {
div#intercom-facade-btn {
display: none !important;
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aspect-ratio: 16/9;
Free AI Video Generator - Create AI Videos in 140 Languages
Recherche META Description de la page
Create AI generated videos from text with the most advanced AI avatars and voiceovers in 140+ languages. Try our free AI video generator now!
Recherche META Keywords de la page
UPDATE DOMAINES SET server='',redirection='',Status='200',err='',[TITRE]=N'Free AI Video Generator - Create AI Videos in 140 Languages',[DESCRIPTION]=N'Create AI generated videos from text with the most advanced AI avatars and voiceovers in 140+ languages. Try our free AI video generator now!',[KEYWORDS]=N'' WHERE id=34004958
0 Free AI Video Generator - Create AI Videos in 140 Languages Create AI generated videos from text with the most advanced AI avatars and voiceovers in 140+ languages. Try our free AI video generator now
0. Free (4)--------->0
1. AI (2)--------->0
2. Video (5)--------->0
3. Generator (9)--------->0
4. - (1)--------->0
5. Create (6)--------->0
7. Videos (6)--------->0
8. in (2)--------->0
9. 140 (3)--------->0
10. Languages (9)--------->0
13. generated (9)--------->0
15. from (4)--------->0
16. text (4)--------->0
17. with (4)--------->0
18. the (3)--------->0
19. most (4)--------->0
20. advanced (8)--------->0
22. avatars (7)--------->0
23. and (3)--------->0
24. voiceovers (10)--------->0
26. 140+ (4)--------->0
28. Try (3)--------->0
29. our (3)--------->0
34. now (3)--------->0
INSERT INTO KEYWORDS (keyword,id_domaine) VALUES (N'Free',34004958),(N'AI',34004958),(N'Video',34004958),(N'Generator',34004958),(N'-',34004958),(N'Create',34004958),(N'Videos',34004958),(N'in',34004958),(N'140',34004958),(N'Languages',34004958),(N'generated',34004958),(N'from',34004958),(N'text',34004958),(N'with',34004958),(N'the',34004958),(N'most',34004958),(N'advanced',34004958),(N'avatars',34004958),(N'and',34004958),(N'voiceovers',34004958),(N'140+',34004958),(N'Try',34004958),(N'our',34004958),(N'now',34004958)