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You can follow along for all our updates here:&nbsp;updates.dubsado.com<\/p>", released_at: "October 26th, 2022", released_at_human: "2 years ago", tags: [ ], owner: { name: "Becca Berg", link: "//dubsado.releasenotes.io/staff/becca-berg-GutkcS", avatar: "https://release-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/profiles/6v7T9LuGFIL9mFZP4jx5hZKiWI2MTGfibOQ0EAVS.png"}, involved: [ ], notes: [ ]},{ uid: "qtGnh", title: "OUR RELEASE NOTES HAVE MOVED", type: "feature", link: "https://dubsado.releasenotes.io/release/qtGnh-our-release-notes-have-moved", private: false, viewable: true, reactions: false, featured_image: "", social_image: "", description: "<p>We have moved release notes.&nbsp; You can follow along with updates here: updates.dubsado.com<\/p>", released_at: "October 26th, 2022", released_at_human: "2 years ago", tags: [ ], owner: { name: "Becca Berg", link: "//dubsado.releasenotes.io/staff/becca-berg-GutkcS", avatar: "https://release-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/profiles/6v7T9LuGFIL9mFZP4jx5hZKiWI2MTGfibOQ0EAVS.png"}, involved: [ ], notes: [ ]},{ uid: "QAmVI", title: "Divider and Spacer Elements for Forms", type: "feature", link: "https://dubsado.releasenotes.io/release/QAmVI-divider-and-spacer-elements-for-forms", private: false, viewable: true, reactions: false, featured_image: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/release-assets/production/team-34/featured-25906.png?v=1665591472", social_image: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/release-assets/production/team-34/social-25906.png?v=1665591472", description: "<p><strong>Available on Starter and Premier plans<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>We\u2019ve got not one, but two brand new form builder elements for you to start using today. Say hello to the <strong>divider element<\/strong> and the <strong>spacer element.&nbsp;<\/strong><\/p>\n<figure><div class=\"embed-responsive\"><div style=\"position: relative; padding-bottom: calc(66.66666666666666% + 41px); height: 0;\"><iframe src=\"https:\/\/demo.arcade.software\/cc6Tuyx2sUTD5kwuXCbV?embed\" frameborder=\"0\" webkitallowfullscreen=\"\" mozallowfullscreen=\"\" allowfullscreen=\"\" style=\"position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;\"><\/iframe><\/div><\/div><\/figure>\n<p>The divider and spacer elements are small but mighty new features that will give you even more creative control when designing your Dubsado forms. Adding a dividing line or extra space wherever you need it is now quick and easy.<\/p>\n<p>Our divider element comes with four line styles and settings for color, weight, width, and padding. Dividers are great for making different sections of your form more clear to your clients.<\/p>\n<figure><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/63461a7e7e86f_Screen Shot 2022-10-05 at 10.45.17 AM.jpg\" id=\"63461a7eae14d\" data-image=\"63461a7eae14d\"><\/figure>\n<p>Our spacer element has an adjustable height from 50px to 200px. Just pop in a spacer wherever you need some extra breathing room between elements.<\/p>\n<figure><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/63461aa280db0_spacer height.gif\" id=\"63461aa2b0c04\" data-image=\"63461aa2b0c04\"><\/figure>\n<p>\ud83d\udc4b&nbsp;<strong>Heads up!<\/strong> These new features are only available in the <strong><a href=\"https:\/\/help.dubsado.com\/en\/articles\/6380754-switch-to-the-new-form-builder\">new form builder experience<\/a><\/strong> with <a href=\"https:\/\/help.dubsado.com\/en\/articles\/6288410-legacy-mode\"><strong>legacy mode<\/strong><\/a> turned OFF.<\/p>\n<p>We can\u2019t wait to see what you build! And as always, if you have any questions or feedback, we are only a chat or email away.<\/p>", released_at: "October 12th, 2022", released_at_human: "2 years ago", tags: [ ], owner: { name: "Becca Berg", link: "//dubsado.releasenotes.io/staff/becca-berg-GutkcS", avatar: "https://release-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/profiles/6v7T9LuGFIL9mFZP4jx5hZKiWI2MTGfibOQ0EAVS.png"}, involved: [ ], notes: [ ]},{ uid: "n5v2q", title: "Payment Plan Updates", type: "update", link: "https://dubsado.releasenotes.io/release/n5v2q-payment-plan-updates", private: false, viewable: true, reactions: false, featured_image: "", social_image: "", description: "<p>You can now make changes to <a href=\"https:\/\/help.dubsado.com\/en\/articles\/467089-payment-plans\">payment plans<\/a> on your invoices without the worry of reminder emails being unintentionally sent to your clients. With the replacement of autosave with a manual <strong>Save<\/strong> button, edits made to your payment plans won\u2019t be applied until you hit <strong>Save<\/strong>.<\/p>\n<h1>Why we developed it<\/h1>\n<p>Our goal is to give business owners more confidence and control when making changes to their payment plans on invoices. Say goodbye to unintentional payment reminder emails being sent off while making changes to your payment plans! By removing autosave and implementing a manual edit and save process, we are ensuring that changes are made with peace of mind and saved with confidence.<\/p>\n<p>In addition to the updates we\u2019re bringing to how changes are saved, we\u2019re making some small UI updates to add clarity and ease of use when viewing and editing your payment plans.<\/p>\n<h1>In these release notes<\/h1>\n<ul>\n<li>Edit and save<\/li>\n<li>Save payment plan as a new template<\/li>\n<li>UI Improvements<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<h1>Edit and Save<\/h1>\n<p>In order to make changes to a payment plan, you must click <strong>Edit<\/strong> on the top right-hand corner of the payment plan.<\/p>\n<figure><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/63347ac988a30_Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 5.46.00 PM.png\" id=\"63347ac9cfd57\" data-image=\"63347ac9cfd57\"><\/figure>\n<p>Once you\u2019ve clicked <strong>Edit<\/strong>, you will be able to:<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Edit installments<\/li>\n<li>Add or remove installments<\/li>\n<li>Add additional payment plan templates<\/li>\n<li>Save your payment plan as a new template<\/li>\n<li>Create and edit reminder emails<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p>After making your desired changes, clicking <strong>Save<\/strong> will apply all the changes you\u2019ve made to your invoice.<\/p>\n<figure><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/63347ae8d67ef_Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 5.49.01 PM.png\" id=\"63347ae8f2eda\" data-image=\"63347ae8f2eda\"><\/figure>\n<p>\ud83d\udca1&nbsp;Unlike payment plans on your invoices, your payment plan <strong>templates<\/strong> under <strong>Templates &gt;&gt; Payment Plans<\/strong> will still autosave when changes are made to them.<\/p>\n<h1>Save payment plan as a new template<\/h1>\n<p>The option to save your payment plan as a new template has been placed within the <strong>Save<\/strong> split button. After naming your new template and selecting <strong>Save and apply<\/strong> this template can be found under <strong>Templates &gt;&gt; Payment Plans.<\/strong><\/p>\n<figure><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/63347b081ba84_Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 5.50.55 PM.png\" id=\"63347b0847413\" data-image=\"63347b0847413\"><\/figure>\n<p><strong>\ud83d\udca1&nbsp;S<\/strong>aving your payment plan as a new template will also apply these changes to your invoice.<\/p>\n<h1>UI Improvements<\/h1>\n<p>Changes have been made to the UI to improve usability and consistency in design patterns.<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Relative date parameters are now visible next to the due dates for installments that use relative dates.<\/li>\n<li>In order to better identify the order of installments, the Due Date column is now furthest to the left while the status column is now furthest to the right.<\/li>\n<li>The row for editing Amount Due within an installment is now aligned as a column underneath Amount Due.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<figure><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/63347b467593d_Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 5.52.13 PM.png\" id=\"63347b4694acc\" data-image=\"63347b4694acc\"><\/figure>\n<h1>FAQ<\/h1>\n<h2>Do these changes affect how my clients see or pay their invoices on my current projects?<\/h2>\n<p>No. These changes only give you more control over editing your payment plans and does not affect the process for your clients.<\/p>\n<h2>What happens if a client makes a payment while I\u2019m editing a payment plan?<\/h2>\n<p>If a client makes a payment on an invoice while you are editing its payment plan, the payment will successfully go through, although, you will not be able to save the changes you were making to your payment plan. You will have to refresh your page and redo your changes. Clicking <strong>Save<\/strong> will prompt an error that says \u201cNew client payment: Please refresh page\u201d.<\/p>", released_at: "September 28th, 2022", released_at_human: "2 years ago", tags: [ ], owner: { name: "Becca Berg", link: "//dubsado.releasenotes.io/staff/becca-berg-GutkcS", avatar: "https://release-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/profiles/6v7T9LuGFIL9mFZP4jx5hZKiWI2MTGfibOQ0EAVS.png"}, involved: [ ], notes: [ ]},{ uid: "pH3UU", title: "Container Text Color Settings", type: "feature", link: "https://dubsado.releasenotes.io/release/pH3UU-container-text-color-settings", private: false, viewable: true, reactions: false, featured_image: "", social_image: "", description: "<h2>New Form Builder Setting: Container Text Color<\/h2>\n<p>We heard that you love setting background colors on our new container element, and we wanted to make it easier for you to quickly set a font color for all the text in the container as well! The new&nbsp;<strong>text color<\/strong>&nbsp;setting on containers will help you do just that.<\/p>\n<p>Just click on a container to edit its settings. You'll find the text color setting right below the background color!<\/p>\n\n<figure><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/631a5d5c1a2cf_Screen Shot 2022-09-08 at 1.38.21 PM.png\" id=\"631a5d5c50fc8\" data-image=\"631a5d5c50fc8\"><\/figure><p>This is a&nbsp;<strong>shortcut<\/strong>&nbsp;for quickly setting one color for&nbsp;<strong>all<\/strong>&nbsp;of the text inside of a container,&nbsp;<strong>including question text<\/strong>.<\/p>\n<figure><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/downloads.intercomcdn.com\/i\/o\/575836672\/c656d1030a9c4a304e90bed0\/text+color+changing.gif\" alt=\"https:\/\/downloads.intercomcdn.com\/i\/o\/575836672\/c656d1030a9c4a304e90bed0\/text+color+changing.gif\"><\/figure>\n<p>The text color setting will apply to any nested containers as well. We designed this feature to make it easy for you to move elements between containers with different background colors. If you have a container text color set, any new elements you add with text to the container will adopt that color.<\/p>\n\n<figure><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/631a5d6b70d88_container text color drag.gif\" id=\"631a5d6baf2e9\" data-image=\"631a5d6baf2e9\"><\/figure><p>This is the first of many great customization features to come. Let us know what you think!<\/p>\n<h2>FAQ<\/h2>\n<h3>Can I still set custom text colors inside the text box element?<\/h3>\n<p>Yes! You can still select custom text colors inside text box elements using the formatting toolbar if you\u2019d like.<\/p>\n\n<figure><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/631a5d7d54a8e_Screen Shot 2022-09-08 at 1.52.53 PM.png\" id=\"631a5d7d75d0f\" data-image=\"631a5d7d75d0f\"><\/figure><p>Setting a container text color will permanently override any color changes you made in the text box element.<\/p>\n<h3>Why don\u2019t I have access to this setting?<\/h3>\n<p>All form builder features and updates going forward will only be available in our <strong><a href=\"https:\/\/help.dubsado.com\/en\/articles\/6380754-switch-to-the-new-form-builder\">new form builder experience<\/a><\/strong>. If you are using the new form builder, but still can\u2019t access this setting, go to the Form Settings panel (gear icon), scroll to the bottom, and ensure <strong><a href=\"https:\/\/help.dubsado.com\/en\/articles\/6288410-legacy-mode\">Legacy mode<\/a><\/strong> is turned <strong>OFF<\/strong>.<\/p>", released_at: "September 12th, 2022", released_at_human: "2 years ago", tags: [ ], owner: { name: "Becca Berg", link: "//dubsado.releasenotes.io/staff/becca-berg-GutkcS", avatar: "https://release-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/profiles/6v7T9LuGFIL9mFZP4jx5hZKiWI2MTGfibOQ0EAVS.png"}, involved: [ ], notes: [ ]},{ uid: "2vw7p", title: "The New Form Builder Experience", type: "feature", link: "https://dubsado.releasenotes.io/release/2vw7p-the-new-form-builder-experience", private: false, viewable: true, reactions: false, featured_image: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/release-assets/production/team-34/featured-21196.png?v=1657645225", social_image: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/release-assets/production/team-34/social-21196.png?v=1657645225", description: "<h1>Welcome to the new form builder experience!&nbsp;<\/h1>\n<p>When we began the journey of redesigning our form builder, we had a couple of important goals. First, we wanted to create a more powerful foundation for our form builder that would support many more features and customization options in the years to come. Second, we wanted to give everyone the ability to create beautiful forms without the barrier of needing custom code.&nbsp;So let\u2019s jump in and take a look at what\u2019s new.<br><\/p>\n<p><strong>With this release we have added:<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>All-new form builder design and layout&nbsp;<br>Breadcrumbs for easy navigation<br>Preview mode<br>\"Sticky\" save button for easier saving on long forms<br>Inline element adding<br>Inline text editing<br>Improved performance with easy dragging of elements<br>Click to edit settings<br>Form style panel (plus general form padding options)<br>Dedicated CSS editor<br>New sharing panel with one-click copy embed code and link<br>\"Columns\" are now called \"containers\"<br>Full-width containers<br>Container background colors and images<br>Improved image uploader<br>Container background image opacity<br>Container padding and margins<br>\"Yes\/no\" field changed to \"Multiple choice\" and now allows more than two options<br>\"Private\" forms changed to \"password-protection\" setting<br>Toggle for the new form builder<br>Legacy mode option for forms with custom code<em><br><\/em><\/p>\n<p><em>These changes give us the stronger foundation we needed to add more of the features and customization options you\u2019ve been asking for.<\/em><\/p>\n<p><strong>You can view our keynote webinar all about the new things in this feature release plus a sneak peek at some features coming soon:<\/strong><\/p>\n<figure><iframe style=\"width: 500px; height: 281px;\" src=\"\/\/player.vimeo.com\/video\/728253062\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\"><\/iframe><\/figure>\n<p>In this keynote, we mentioned we were going to share a proposal with you to get you started. <a href=\"https:\/\/hello.dubsado.com\/templates\/preview\/62a0dea591003f9a5fa69f78\" data-mce-href=\"https:\/\/hello.dubsado.com\/templates\/preview\/62a0dea591003f9a5fa69f78\" data-mce-style=\"color: #3d85c6;\">Click here<\/a> to access the form. It might look a little weird on that first screen, but once you click \"copy to account\" it will show correctly. <em>(Note: You must be logged into Dubsado first before clicking this link)<\/em><\/p>\n<h2>All-new form builder design and layout<\/h2>\n<p>First, we\u2019ve got a brand new layout. We took advantage of the full width of the page to give you more space to focus on building your form.&nbsp;Also, over on the left, you\u2019ll find the element library. You can drag and drop elements from the element library onto the form, or click an element to add it to the bottom - just like in our old builder.<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 786px; max-width: 786px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c728856e1b3_Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 11.39.59 AM.png\" data-image=\"62c7288591ebb\" width=\"786\" height=\"441\" style=\"width: 786px; max-width: 786px; height: 441px;\"><\/figure>\n<h2>Breadcrumbs for easy navigation<\/h2>\n<p>In the top right we have some breadcrumbs that will take you back to your form templates.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 779px; max-width: 779px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c72917e6718_Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 11.42.26 AM.png\" data-image=\"62c729181203b\" width=\"779\" height=\"437\" style=\"width: 779px; max-width: 779px; height: 437px;\"><\/figure>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<h1>Preview mode<\/h1>\n<p>We also redesigned our preview mode so that you can preview your form just as your clients will see it, without exiting the builder. It\u2019s easy to toggle back and forth while you\u2019re editing.<\/p>\n<figure><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c72a9161044_preview_new_AdobeExpress (1).gif\" data-image=\"62c72a918f78d\"><\/figure>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<h1>\"Sticky\" save button for easier saving on long forms<\/h1>\n<p>The save button will now stick to the top of the page, so you\u2019ll be able to access it more easily when editing long forms.<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 802px; max-width: 802px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c72b0e2e9db_Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 11.50.47 AM.png\" data-image=\"62c72b0e5667b\" width=\"802\" height=\"494\" style=\"width: 802px; max-width: 802px; height: 494px;\"><\/figure>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<h1>Inline element adding<\/h1>\n<p>Now there\u2019s a new way to add elements to your form. Hover over any existing element and click the + icon to add a new one right inline.<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 808px; max-width: 808px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c72babc3548_Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 11.53.27 AM.png\" data-image=\"62c72babeb002\" width=\"808\" height=\"453\" style=\"width: 808px; max-width: 808px; height: 453px;\"><\/figure>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<h1>Inline text editing<\/h1>\n<p>You can edit text inline, too. Just double click any element with customizable text and you can start making your edits right away. Click the checkmark or click outside the element when you\u2019re finished to save your changes. It works on <em>text boxes<\/em>, <em>packages<\/em>, and even <em>question elements<\/em>.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 684px; max-width: 684px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c72caca0668_inline_editingf_AdobeExpress (1).gif\" data-image=\"62c72cacdac72\" width=\"684\" height=\"386\" style=\"width: 684px; max-width: 684px; height: 386px;\"><\/figure>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<h1>Improved performance with easy dragging of elements<\/h1>\n<p>Dragging elements around the form is still super easy, especially now with our improved performance. Just click anywhere on an element to pick it up and you can drag it around the form. A green bar indicates exactly where the element will land.<br><\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 773px; max-width: 773px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c72e5dd147f_Click_and_drag_AdobeExpress.gif\" data-image=\"62c72e5e276fa\" width=\"773\" height=\"435\" style=\"width: 773px; max-width: 773px; height: 435px;\"><\/figure>\n<h1>Click to edit settings<\/h1>\n<p>Clicking on an element will open its settings in the side panel. This is where you can map your short answer and date select fields, mark a field as required, and adjust other settings as needed.<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 745px; max-width: 745px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c72df9eada5_Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 12.03.16 PM.png\" data-image=\"62c72dfa1de98\" width=\"745\" height=\"398\" style=\"width: 745px; max-width: 745px; height: 398px;\"><\/figure>\n<p>For general form settings, click on the gear icon in our new side navigation panel. This is where you can adjust all the settings specific to the type of form you are editing.<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 784px; max-width: 784px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c72e8ab69e1_Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 12.05.42 PM.png\" data-image=\"62c72e8ada18c\" width=\"784\" height=\"438\" style=\"width: 784px; max-width: 784px; height: 438px;\"><\/figure>\n<h1><br><\/h1>\n<h1>Form style panel (plus general form padding options)<\/h1>\n<p>We have added a brand new form styling panel, which you can access by clicking the palette icon. This is where you\u2019ll find the question styling settings and our new form padding settings that let you control the space at the top and bottom of the form. This is especially useful when you plan to embed your form on a website, and don\u2019t want any extra space above your elements. We can\u2019t wait to add more settings and customization options here!<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 776px; max-width: 776px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c72ef8bf864_Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 12.07.31 PM.png\" data-image=\"62c72ef90320b\" width=\"776\" height=\"460\" style=\"width: 776px; max-width: 776px; height: 460px;\"><\/figure>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<h1>Dedicated CSS editor<\/h1>\n<p>For those of you who love getting creative and styling your forms with custom CSS, we added a dedicated CSS editor in the styling panel! Now, there\u2019s no need to have an invisible code block floating around on your form. Don\u2019t worry, <u><em>HTML and Javascript are still supported as well<\/em><\/u>. You can add that code to an HTML block element and preview your form to see it in action.<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 760px; max-width: 760px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c7302f69b43_Custom CSS.gif\" data-image=\"62c7302f94406\" width=\"760\" height=\"428\" style=\"width: 760px; max-width: 760px; height: 428px;\"><\/figure>\n<h1><br><\/h1>\n<h1>New sharing panel with one-click copy embed code and link<\/h1>\n<p>For forms that can be shared publicly, you\u2019ll find the new share panel here on the left-hand side. We made it super easy to copy your embed code or sharing link with a single click!<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 757px; max-width: 757px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c7329aad7fc_Sharing.gif\" data-image=\"62c7329ad9626\" width=\"757\" height=\"426\" style=\"width: 757px; max-width: 757px; height: 426px;\"><\/figure>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<h1>\"Columns\" are now called \"containers\"<\/h1>\n<p>Along with our new form builder, we are so thrilled to launch a very exciting update to the old columns element.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 453px; max-width: 453px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c733b3ac62e_Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 12.27.40 PM.png\" data-image=\"62c733b3c9774\" width=\"453\" height=\"238\" style=\"width: 453px; max-width: 453px; height: 238px;\"><\/figure>\n<p>The container element is the same as the columns element you already know - it has a new name and some amazing new settings. Select from one, two, three, or four columns, then use the plus icons to add elements directly into your container, or drag them in.<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 479px; max-width: 479px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c733da324d5_Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 12.28.14 PM.png\" data-image=\"62c733da598a8\" width=\"479\" height=\"289\" style=\"width: 479px; max-width: 479px; height: 289px;\"><\/figure>\n<p>Hovering your mouse over a container element displays a green toolbar. Just click and hold on this toolbar to pick up your container and move it around the form.<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 725px; max-width: 725px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c734a03fc6a_Moving containers (1).gif\" data-image=\"62c734a07afc6\" width=\"725\" height=\"408\" style=\"width: 725px; max-width: 725px; height: 408px;\"><\/figure>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<h1>Full width containers<\/h1>\n<p>But here\u2019s where the real fun starts. You can adjust the width of your container and the width of the content inside.<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 716px; max-width: 716px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c738e461a96_Full width.gif\" data-image=\"62c738e49dbad\" width=\"716\" height=\"403\" style=\"width: 716px; max-width: 716px; height: 403px;\"><\/figure>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<h1>Container background colors and images (with the new image uploader)<\/h1>\n<p>You can now make the container take up the full width of the page, allowing you to create beautiful, colorful sections on your forms. The width of the container is a percentage, so it\u2019s completely responsive. A&nbsp;slider adjusts the width of the content inside your container. It\u2019s also a percentage, so it will adjust automatically based on the size of the container and the screen.<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 726px; max-width: 726px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c73a81d6f16_Background color.gif\" data-image=\"62c73a8220e45\" width=\"726\" height=\"409\" style=\"width: 726px; max-width: 726px; height: 409px;\"><\/figure>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>With our new image uploader, it\u2019s even easier to bring an image into your Dubsado form. For a full-width element, we recommend an image 2500px or wider for best results. And the results are so fun. \ud83c\udf89<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 796px; max-width: 796px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c73c44f2a1f_Full width image.gif\" data-image=\"62c73c453f4ff\" width=\"796\" height=\"448\" style=\"width: 796px; max-width: 796px; height: 448px;\"><\/figure>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<h1>Container background image opacity<\/h1>\n<p>You can now blend&nbsp;a background color with your image. In the example below, we&nbsp;selected a dark background color and adjust the background image transparency to blend the two together really making the image over it pop!<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 742px; max-width: 742px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c73ebd91117_Image opacity.gif\" data-image=\"62c73ebdc7255\" width=\"742\" height=\"418\" style=\"width: 742px; max-width: 742px; height: 418px;\"><\/figure>\n<h1><br><\/h1>\n<h1>Container padding and margins<\/h1>\n<p>Our new padding and margins allow you to do just that. Adding padding will give some space around our content and show more of the background image. Below you can see we are adding&nbsp;bottom margin to this container to create a little space between the elements below.<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 805px; max-width: 805px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c73f721817d_Other padding.gif\" data-image=\"62c73f7256654\" width=\"805\" height=\"453\" style=\"width: 805px; max-width: 805px; height: 453px;\"><\/figure>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<h1>\"Yes\/no\" field changed to \"Multiple choice\"&nbsp;<\/h1>\n<p>Previously, this field could only have two options.&nbsp;&nbsp;With this addition, you can add more than just two options for your clients to select from.&nbsp; But they can only select one option on this list.<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 680px; max-width: 680px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c7419a2455a_Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 1.27.02 PM.png\" data-image=\"62c7419a4fb69\" width=\"680\" height=\"607\" style=\"width: 680px; max-width: 680px; height: 607px;\"><\/figure>\n<h1><br><\/h1>\n<h1>\"Private\" forms changed to \"password-protection\" setting<\/h1>\n<p>Same functionality, now with a new name.&nbsp; We changed this to ease any confusion around this feature and make it more clear what it is doing.<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 477px; max-width: 477px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c7425aa6024_Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 1.30.15 PM.png\" data-image=\"62c7425ac68f9\" width=\"477\" height=\"486\" style=\"width: 477px; max-width: 477px; height: 486px;\"><\/figure>\n<h1><br><\/h1>\n<h1>Toggle for the new form builder<\/h1>\n<p>There are so many ways to take advantage of the new form builder features, especially containers. And this is just the beginning.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>As excited as we are to bring you these amazing updates today, we also know that a big change can take some getting used to, especially when you\u2019ve got a business to run! That\u2019s why we added two special features to our form builder to help you adjust.<\/p>\n<p>The first feature is a toggle to turn on the new form builder. You\u2019ll see it when you navigate to Templates &gt; Forms. This toggle allows you to decide when you want to turn the new form builder on for your account. So if you\u2019ve got a few important forms to send out today, don\u2019t worry. You can wait to turn on the new form builder until you\u2019re ready to start exploring - and turn it back off again if you need a little more time. This toggle will be available until January 31, 2023, so you have plenty of time to make the switch.&nbsp; But once you make the switch, we recommend committing to it especially if you use our neat, new features.&nbsp; For example, if you turn the new builder on and create some full width elements with images and color, but then decide to turn it off later, those \"new\" elements will not show properly.<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 832px; max-width: 832px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c742e4478b4_Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 1.32.29 PM.png\" data-image=\"62c742e46a348\" width=\"832\" height=\"119\" style=\"width: 832px; max-width: 832px; height: 119px;\"><\/figure>\n<h1><br><\/h1>\n<h1>Legacy mode option for forms with <em><u>custom code<\/u><\/em><\/h1>\n<p>Our second feature to help you adjust is a legacy mode that we created especially for those of you with custom code on your forms. We love how creative so many of you have gotten with custom coded Dubsado forms, and we wanted to ensure those special forms would continue working for your clients. <strong><em><u>Custom code, including HTML, CSS, and Javascript, is still supported on new Dubsado forms.<\/u><\/em><\/strong> However, we had to make a few adjustments behind the scenes to support our new features, which might have an impact on your custom code. As we launch the new form builder, we\u2019ve kept all existing forms in legacy mode to make sure nothing would change overnight.<\/p>\n<p><strong><em><u>If your form does NOT have any custom code on it, head to the form settings panel and turn legacy mode off so that you can start using our new features right away!<\/u><\/em><\/strong> This setting is specific to each form, so that you can update each template one at a time. If you do have custom code on your existing forms, <a href=\"http:\/\/help.dubsado.com\/en\/articles\/6288410-legacy-mode\" target=\"_blank\"><u>we\u2019ve got a special article that will help you decide if and when to turn legacy mode off<\/u><\/a>.<\/p>\n<figure style=\"width: 461px; max-width: 461px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62c74431247f7_Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 1.38.00 PM.png\" data-image=\"62c7443151dd1\" width=\"461\" height=\"459\" style=\"width: 461px; max-width: 461px; height: 459px;\"><\/figure>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<hr>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><\/p>\n<ul><\/ul>\n<p> <\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n<h1>FAQ<\/h1>\n<h3>Why did Dubsado update their form builder?<\/h3>\n<p>At Dubsado, we want your brand to be front and center. By redesigning our form builder experience from the ground up, we were able to create a more powerful foundation for adding new customization and design options that will allow you to create beautiful, branded forms.<\/p>\n<h3>I\u2019m editing a form, but I don\u2019t see the new form builder. How do I turn it on?<\/h3>\n<p>Head to Templates &gt; Forms and use the toggle at the top of the page to turn on the new form builder experience! This toggle will turn the new builder on for the whole brand, so be sure to coordinate with your multi-users if you have them.<\/p>\n<h3>Does turning the new form builder on change how my forms appear to my clients?<\/h3>\n<p>No, simply turning the new builder on will not make any changes to how your forms appear to your clients. That's why we created legacy mode!<\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n<p><a href=\"http:\/\/help.dubsado.com\/en\/articles\/6288410-legacy-mode\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"><u>Legacy mode<\/u><\/a> is a setting on each individual form. It will need to be turned off for you to access all of the new features added to the form builder.<\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n<h3>Can I turn the new builder off if I need to?<\/h3>\n<p>Yes! We added the toggle to give you flexibility as you test and adjust to the new builder. If you ever run into any troubles, or just want to get a form out quickly while you're still learning your way around, you can always turn the new form builder off using the toggle on the <strong>Templates &gt; Forms page<\/strong>.<\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n<p>\u26d4 <strong>Heads up!<\/strong> If you decide to turn the new form builder off, all of your forms will revert to legacy mode while you are using the old form builder. Turning the new form builder back on will restore your changes. <br><\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n<h3>If I have multi-users on my brand, will they be able to see the new form builder?<\/h3>\n<p>Yes! The toggle on the <strong>Templates &gt; Forms<\/strong> page will turn the new builder on or off for the whole brand. Be sure to give any multi-users on your brand a heads up.<\/p>\n<h3>Is custom code still supported on Dubsado forms?<\/h3>\n<p>Yes, absolutely! We are blown away by the amazing forms we\u2019ve seen created with the help of custom code, and we want to support your creativity.<\/p>\n<p>Custom HTML and Javascript can be added to your form with our HTML block element (formerly known as a code block). And we added a dedicated CSS editor in the form styling panel for you to manage all of your styles!<\/p>\n<p>To keep Dubsado safe and secure for all, we have implemented additional security measures. While JavaScript is still supported on Dubsado forms, we no longer allow it to run while you are editing your form in the form builder. All you need to do is Preview your form to see it in action.<\/p>\n<h3>If I have custom code on my forms, will I need to update it?<\/h3>\n<p>In order to have access to all the latest form builder features, and for the best compatibility with the new form builder experience, we do recommend updating your custom code to work with legacy mode turned OFF. You will only need to do this on your form templates. Forms already added to projects can remain in legacy mode and do not need to be updated.<\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/help.dubsado.com\/en\/articles\/6289367-important-info-for-forms-with-custom-code\" data-mce-href=\"https:\/\/help.dubsado.com\/en\/articles\/6289367-important-info-for-forms-with-custom-code\"><u>This article<\/u><\/a> will help you decide if and when to turn legacy mode off on individual forms and our updated <u><a href=\"http:\/\/help.dubsado.com\/en\/articles\/6293003-css-cheat-sheet-for-dubsado-forms\" data-mce-href=\"http:\/\/help.dubsado.com\/en\/articles\/6293003-css-cheat-sheet-for-dubsado-forms\">CSS cheat sheet<\/a> <\/u>will help you get started.<\/p>\n<p><em><u><strong>If you purchased code from a third party, we recommend reaching out to them for guidance. Please note that Dubsado\u2019s Customer Success team is not able to assist with specific questions or troubleshooting regarding custom code on forms.<\/strong><\/u><\/em><\/p>\n<p> <\/p>", released_at: "July 12th, 2022", released_at_human: "2 years ago", tags: [ ], owner: { name: "Becca Berg", link: "//dubsado.releasenotes.io/staff/becca-berg-GutkcS", avatar: "https://release-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/profiles/6v7T9LuGFIL9mFZP4jx5hZKiWI2MTGfibOQ0EAVS.png"}, involved: [ ], notes: [ ]},{ uid: "Q7gs2", title: "April - June Bug Fixes", type: "bugfix", link: "https://dubsado.releasenotes.io/release/Q7gs2-april-june-bug-fixes", private: false, viewable: true, reactions: false, featured_image: "", social_image: "", description: "", released_at: "July 8th, 2022", released_at_human: "2 years ago", tags: [ ], owner: { name: "Becca Berg", link: "//dubsado.releasenotes.io/staff/becca-berg-GutkcS", avatar: "https://release-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/profiles/6v7T9LuGFIL9mFZP4jx5hZKiWI2MTGfibOQ0EAVS.png"}, involved: [ ], notes: [ { label: "update", notes: [ { title: "<p>Updates were made to our Yahoo connection. Yahoo is now requiring users to use an \u201capp\u201d password instead of their usual email password when trying to connect through SMTP. Steps can be found below on how to do that and we\u2019ll be updating our help article shortly.\nSteps to connect a Yahoo email via SMTP with an app password:\nIn your Yahoo email inbox, click on your account name at the top right of the page.\nSelect \u201cAccount Info\u201d\nNavigate to the \u201cAccount Security\u201d tab\nScroll down til you see \u201cOther ways to sign in\u201d\nSelect \u201cGenerate app password\u201d\nEnter in a name for the app you want to connect\nSelect \u201cGenerate Password\u201d\nCopy and paste the generated password into the password field when signing in via SMTP through Dubsado\u2019s email settings.<\/p>", type: "update", }, ], }, { label: "bugfix", notes: [ { title: "<p>We had a bug where the scheduler sent via email was not logged in the emails tab of the project. We\u2019ve updated it to now be stored in the associated project\u2019s email tab.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>In Dubsado\u2019s general inbox, there was a bit of confusion when archiving\/deleting emails because there wasn\u2019t any visual confirmation that an email was removed. Because of this, we\u2019ve added auto refresh functionality that occurs after a user deletes an email to show that the email has been removed.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Any user with an errored calendar connection broke Cronofy connection for other users. Events didn't export as a result. Cronofy would stop sending events to all working calendars if one calendar failed to send. So if a multi-user calendar got disconnected, other users\u2019 calendars would also stop exporting events. This bug fix prevents the disconnected calendar from interfering with the other calendars in the brand that are still working.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Error when trying to send a form from the address book. An error was being thrown when attempting to send a form from the address book. You should no longer encounter this error when sending a form.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>We had a bug where the brand owner seeing different form statuses than multi-users. It should now show the same form status for all users in a brand.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>The checkbox selection on the reporting&gt;&gt;invoices was not working correctly. With this fix, the top left selection will select all invoices on the current page. It can then be clicked again on the following page to combine the selection of both pages and so on. The top left selection is not intended to select ALL the invoices in the brand.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>We sped up loading times while signing contract as client. The submit button on a contract used to take a while to load because it would wait for the \u201ccontract completed\u201d email to be delivered. Now, the signature will happen right away and the client should see the success message immediately after submitting.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>We had a bug where the send Reminder button on Dashboard Calendar opened an empty email window. Using the Send Reminder email link found on either the Overview or Weekly Calendar view should now populate the correct information that is associated with that event\u2019s invoice and payment plan.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Before, appointments were disappearing on Calendar before \u201cattempting\u201d to cancel through the calendar. When attempting to cancel an appointment through the calendar, the appointment disappears off the calendar before clicking \u201cSubmit\u201d on the cancellation modal. Now, the appointment will remain on the calendar going forward.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>When pressing COMMAND and clicking on a project in Safari it opened the project in 2 tabs instead of 1. We've updated it to only open 1 tab.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Users were able to drag and drop project statuses even with projects assigned to them. This resulted in projects showing up under the incorrect status. Our update disables that functionality and keeps statuses separate between the lead and job categories.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Tag color options were different when viewing them from the Projects &gt;&gt; Customize page and from within a project itself. We\u2019ve updated it to now display the same set of tag colors for both views.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, ], }, ]},{ uid: "fCeKh", title: "Automatic Affiliate Payouts", type: "feature", link: "https://dubsado.releasenotes.io/release/fCeKh-automatic-affiliate-payouts", private: false, viewable: true, reactions: false, featured_image: "", social_image: "", description: "<h2>Automatic Affiliate Payouts in Dubsado!<\/h2>\n<p>Enroll in our new monthly affiliate payout. With this new feature, you\u2019ll be able to receive a \u201ccash\u201d payout of your affiliate credit every month <em>automatically <\/em>instead of receiving it as credit towards your subscription. \ud83e\udd11&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><em>Note: this feature is on a slow roll out.&nbsp; If you do not have the feature yet, please check back every few weeks.&nbsp; The roll out is randomized and we do not have an ETA on when specific users might have it.&nbsp;<\/em><em>&nbsp;<\/em><\/p><h2>How to enroll in automatic payouts<\/h2>\n\n<p>To enroll in automatic payouts:<\/p>\n<ol>\n<li>Go to <strong>Settings &gt; Affiliate Dashboard<\/strong><\/li>\n<li>An affiliate code must be created.<\/li>\n<li>Click <strong>Connect with PayPal.<\/strong><\/li>\n<li>Enter the PayPal email twice.<\/li>\n<\/ol><figure style=\"width: 834px; max-width: 834px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62a900ce12f5a_bfb82faa-246f-480d-ba8c-2b337361c768.png\" data-image=\"62a900ce2d79e\" width=\"834\" height=\"289\" style=\"width: 834px; max-width: 834px; height: 289px;\"><\/figure>\n<p>Once you are enrolled, you will automatically receive any credit in your account at the start of each month. <strong>Enrolling does not initiate an immediate payout. The payout will be sent at the start of the next month.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>When the payout is process within 1-2 days from the first on the month, you will receive an email from PayPal, letting you know how much you received and how to add it into your PayPal account. That email will look a little something like this:&nbsp;<\/p><figure style=\"width: 493px; max-width: 493px;\"><img src=\"\/img\/loading.png\" data-src=\"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/release-assets\/production\/team-34\/62a90176dd9d9_Screen Shot 2022-06-01 at 12.01.15 PM (1).png\" data-image=\"62a901771426a\" width=\"493\" height=\"840\" style=\"width: 493px; max-width: 493px; height: 840px;\"><\/figure><h2><em><\/em><\/h2><h2>Frequently Asked Questions<\/h2>\n<p><strong>I do not see the option in my account, how can I get it?<\/strong><br>This feature is a slow, rolling release.&nbsp; This means we are releasing to a random set of users over a specific period of time.&nbsp; This is a completely randomized process and we do not have specific dates or ETA's on who will be getting this feature when.&nbsp; To check if you have it, head to Settings &gt; Affiliate Dashboard and refresh your page.&nbsp; If you see a connecting with PayPal option, you have the feature.&nbsp; If not, hang tight just a little longer.&nbsp; We also will be sending out emails to each group of users as the feature gets rolled out so you know for sure, if you have or not.<\/p>\n<p><strong>How do I set up automatic affiliate payouts?<br><\/strong><strong><\/strong>You must opt-in to automatic affiliate payouts to receive the \u201ccash\u201d payout. To set up automatic affiliate payouts go to Settings &gt; Affiliate Dashboard. Here you'll see a new option to \u201cConnect with PayPal\u201d. If you'd like to enroll in automatic monthly payouts, click that button and enter your PayPal email address.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p> <strong>At what frequency do I get the cash payout?<\/strong><br>If you have automatic affiliate payouts available and enabled, payouts happen automatically at on the 1st of every month. Payouts take about 1-2 business days to process.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p> <strong>What if I don\u2019t have a PayPal account?<br><\/strong>You will need a PayPal account to receive your payout if you decide to enroll. If you do not wish to have a PayPal account or PayPal is not supported in your area, you cannot opt-in and you will continue receiving credits towards your Dubsado subscription.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p> <strong>What happens if I don\u2019t enroll?<br><\/strong>Your Dubsado affiliate credit will continue to be applied to your Dubsado subscription. If you have been requesting payouts while on a trial or Forever Plan, you will need to enroll in the new automatic payouts through PayPal to continue receiving your credit.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p> <strong>Can I switch back and forth between payouts and receiving Dubsado credit?<br><\/strong>No, once you have opted-in to automatic affiliate payouts, you can no longer switch back to receiving Dubsado credit.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p> <strong>Who will be issuing the tax related documents?<br><\/strong>PayPal will be handling any tax related documents that are necessary for reporting any affiliate cash payouts.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p> <strong>For those on the forever plan, will we still be able to get physical checks for our cash out?<br><\/strong>No, we will be doing away with the mailing of a check. All new cash payouts will be done via PayPal.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p> <strong>Is there a minimum or maximum we can cash out?<br><\/strong>No, there will be no minimums or maximums for cashing out.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>I don't have this feature yet, any credits that I receive now, can I use them for future affiliate payouts when I have the feature?<\/strong><br>Yes, any credits you are collecting now will be available for cash out once you have the feature (minus any usage of those credits towards your Dubsado subscription within that time)<\/p>\n<p> <strong>Once I opt-in to payouts, what happens to the credits I already have?<br><\/strong>If you opt-in to automatic payouts and already have credits built up in your account, once opting in, those credits will be part of your cash out balance now.&nbsp;<br><\/p>", released_at: "June 14th, 2022", released_at_human: "2 years ago", tags: [ ], owner: { name: "Becca Berg", link: "//dubsado.releasenotes.io/staff/becca-berg-GutkcS", avatar: "https://release-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/profiles/6v7T9LuGFIL9mFZP4jx5hZKiWI2MTGfibOQ0EAVS.png"}, involved: [ ], notes: [ ]},{ uid: "d33Oq", title: "Month of March Bug Fixes", type: "bugfix", link: "https://dubsado.releasenotes.io/release/d33Oq-month-of-march-bug-fixes", private: false, viewable: true, reactions: false, featured_image: "", social_image: "", description: "", released_at: "April 11th, 2022", released_at_human: "2 years ago", tags: [ ], owner: { name: "Becca Berg", link: "//dubsado.releasenotes.io/staff/becca-berg-GutkcS", avatar: "https://release-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/profiles/6v7T9LuGFIL9mFZP4jx5hZKiWI2MTGfibOQ0EAVS.png"}, involved: [ ], notes: [ { label: "update", notes: [ { title: "<p>Now you\u2019ll be able to download a form as a PDF directly from your \u201cForms\u201d tab within a project. \u26a1\ufe0f<\/p>", type: "update", }, { title: "<p>We heard you, and we added back the ability to copy and paste your client\u2019s answers when previewing the form. \ud83d\udcaa<\/p>", type: "update", }, ], }, { label: "bugfix", notes: [ { title: "<p>Fixed an issue where schedulers weren\u2019t showing the \u201cAdd to Calendar\u201d button on the confirmation page.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Fixed an issue that allowed a client to book within less than the minimum amount of time in advance needed to book. If a client waited on the scheduler invoice screen until after that buffer passed, they were still able to book. Very sneaky. \ud83d\ude31<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Fixed an issue where the status search bar was unresponsive when creating a nee project from the dashboard.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Fixed an issue where the portal logo, banner, and mobile banner could not be removed. \ud83d\udeab<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Fixed a rare issue where the date of a custom mapped field was not being properly saved. \ud83d\udcc6<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>On your transactions page, future ACH payments will now be shown as \u201ce-transfer\u201d instead of \u201ccredit\u201d.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, ], }, ]},{ uid: "V6ctF", title: "Month of February Bug Fixes", type: "bugfix", link: "https://dubsado.releasenotes.io/release/V6ctF-month-of-february-bug-fixes", private: false, viewable: true, reactions: false, featured_image: "", social_image: "", description: "<p>Security is always important for us.&nbsp; In a recent update, we updated short answer and free response fields to ensure that only the client can fill them out...not, you, the&nbsp;business owner. However, you can still edit information on the contract before you send it to your clients.&nbsp;If you\u2019d like to include additional information for your client on a form or contract, we recommend using a text box. Text boxes cannot be edited by clients as they are just for you. \ud83d\udd0f<\/p>\n<p>Learn how to navigate this change here:&nbsp;<\/p><figure><iframe style=\"width: 500px; height: 281px;\" src=\"\/\/player.vimeo.com\/video\/684815841\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\"><\/iframe><\/figure>", released_at: "March 4th, 2022", released_at_human: "2 years ago", tags: [ ], owner: { name: "Becca Berg", link: "//dubsado.releasenotes.io/staff/becca-berg-GutkcS", avatar: "https://release-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/profiles/6v7T9LuGFIL9mFZP4jx5hZKiWI2MTGfibOQ0EAVS.png"}, involved: [ ], notes: [ { label: "update", notes: [ { title: "<p>Updated short answer and free response fields to ensure that only the client can fill them out, not the business owner. If you\u2019d like to include additional information for your client on a form or contract, we recommend using a text box. Text boxes cannot be edited by clients. \ud83d\udd0f<\/p>", type: "update", }, ], }, { label: "bugfix", notes: [ { title: "<p>Fixed an issue where the payment plan smart field was showing $0.00 for the amount due when previewing a form. It will now show the correct amount.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Fixed an issue where client-specific portal banners were not showing on mobile. It will now adjust and display properly. \ud83d\uddbc\ufe0f<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Fixed a rare issue where Microsoft emails were displaying a \u201cviewed\u201d status immediately after they were sent.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Fixed an issue where a multiuser\u2019s notification settings were being reset when they were removed from a brand. Now the settings will persist.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Fixed an issue where the date selector on a form would move the date one day ahead depending on the brand time and local time. The date will now show correctly.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Fixed an issue in the \u201cReceive money\u201d section where a category could not be deselected.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Fixed an issue where custom text on a form\u2019s submit button was being removed when the form was sent via workflow. \u2705<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Fixed an issue where tax payments on the \u201cTransactions\u201d page were not showing the correct categories.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, { title: "<p>Fixed an issue with changing form types. If a lead capture form with a workflow was changed to a questionnaire and then that questionnaire was attached to a scheduler, there would be an error. Now it will work properly.<\/p>", type: "bugfix", }, ], }, ]},],pagination: { page: 1, pageCount: 20} }; </script></head>

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